Stanhope's drop in on Bert Kreischer's point about Trump voters pissed off half the room. Incredible.

5  2016-11-09 by IrsaysLiver


Based on Burr's reaction I guess we can scrap the Stanhope/Burr tour that I was hoping for.

You don't think he'll be doing the Bingo Benefit?

Berts reaction is great. This is also what I love about Doug, he will never censor himself like Bill and Louis have

He said it on Ant's show while sitting next to 2 black comedians. He later made out with one of them.

Ol Billy Redface was on fire. I lost it when he told Joe to shut up with his Lil Rascals cap.

"He'll never win any of those states" - Rogan

El Oh El...

"Ronda Rousey is a once-in-a-lifetime athlete" - Joe "Everwrong" Rogan.

Must have not taken his Alpha Brain™

watched this whole thing live, it was fuckin great

fuckin billy boy was on fire