SCHUMER: What is the plan?

18  2016-11-09 by CoyoteeBongwater

We're not gonna be the only sub to relentlessly abuse that cow, but does anyone have any realistic thoughts on how to fuck up her shit?

It could be easy, could be hard, but if one random person comes up with a good idea, like we saw with trump, we could meme Big Amy out of the country and potentially out of life


"i was always a trump fan growing up"

‘I Made Money By Playing A Regressive Woman Democrat’

‘I Made Money By Playing A Big Fat Ugly Spoilt Fat Whiny Obese Piggy Regressive Fat Piggy Woman Rotund Democrat’

Actually, Ivana I liked more. I watched Ivana more than anything.

Call her fat.

"Amy, you can stay if you pay back the money you stole."


Make a Amy joke thief video

I think she should rethink her plan to ship herself out of the USA to Spain. It could end up being quite a costly endeavor, b/c she didn't do her homework.

She'd be weighed, and charged multiple import duties for USA imported swine products to the E.U., namely: Bellies (streaky) & cuts thereof @ 467 Euro/Metric Ton, & Pig fat (including lard) @ 172 Euro/Metric Ton.


alright, i think it's a little unfair to put that on us.

Especially this, and this, and really this

She was so gonna leave, but her beard refused. He has some wobbly bar stools he needs to fix.

Don't waste your time. No country on earth will take her.

"I was just playing a stupid Radical Intersectional Feminist character... here's my new gimmick... errrrr... Tsssssssssss... I'm Tipp Tipperson... pussy... I mean... penis.... tssssssssss"

Send spanish language teachers to Pig Shumers home and moving companies. That's a good start.Wagons Ho.....Movin out...