Here we go, boys

11  2016-11-09 by TheScarletR


What a funny comic

Thanks, We will

Yeah, you worthless majority of the country

He did not win the popular vote

It's kind-of unfair to judge by the popular vote. Because their campaigning strategies were based on the electoral college system. If it was purely based on popular vote, he would have campaigned more in places like California.


And the "majority of the country" statement is a little off

I think you are looking for /r/politics

Trump beat Hillary worse than Cale Hartmann beat Sam's girlfriend

So much for a class act right gang?

This is irony right? I never know.

I thought the left were the ones who had class and grace?

Obama still hasn't called Trump as is traditionally what presidents do for president elects.

Not surprised. I can't wait to hear the liberals cry for the next four years....I've been waiting this for so long. Trump wins!!!!

We are going to see how classless the Obama's are.


Instead of being mad at the people who criticized Hillary, how about you be mad at the corrupt DNC who forced you to nominate a terrible candidate?

I hate when comics talk politics. I actually like when Sam and Machi are on Ron's show.

Sams funny but he gets way too caught up in liberal politics

He is also a Joe List level white knight.

If he used talk-to-text his lisps would never have allowed this to stay within the character limit

What a fag


Who's this fruit?

as Jimmy would say, "Ewwwwww".

Right, comedians never demean anyone.

I think you are looking for /r/politics