Steven Knight has tweeted obsessively about the US election for months like it affects him. It's a great meltdown.

8  2016-11-09 by Dennyislife


He's English. They literally believe trump and think he's a king and can change laws on command. The English are more paranoid than the liberals in the states

Most english i know don't really give a fuck. Think Trump is a bit of a twat but other than that have no dog in the fight so really don't care.

Really? All the cunts from my area are losing their mind over it, but then I do live in one of the more faggoty parts of the UK

Everyone i know wanted brexit so i guess thats the people i hang out with. I'm not including media types obviously.

Well to be fair my mates are Brexiters n all, but my Facebook is filled with cunts crying over both that and Trump. I love it

Me too. when I woke up this morning I was a happy man. Not only because Trump won, but also the bookies owe me a ton of cash

Who is this guy and why did Bennington have him on?

Some fag that uploaded O&A shows and for some reason made update videos for the "fans." Kind of a watered down Frunkis.

Good news though, he's changed his channel to an Archive and has moved on as a British Hipster with shit hair.

He also used to post here until people got under his skins calling him a fag.

I'd have to say the order of faggotry/autism is:

Steven Knight < Frunkis < Jason Eiyeter.

Yeah the name sounded familiar and I don't know the other two but what I was asking was why is Bennington aware of a guy that pirated the shows and posted them online? Why have him on the air?

Because, much like Steven Knight, Bennington is wrought in autism and faggotry.

IDK, he came to the States and probably asked them like a cuck.

It's better if you read his tweets in a Harry Potter voice.

His channel was gr8.

Can we troll him to suicide?

