Anthony is hammered on election livestream right now

6  2016-11-09 by Cleon_The_Athenian



i'm watching. he doesn't seem hammered. Gavin came in all coked up and at one point Nick Dipalo disappears for a while and comes back rubbing his nose and sniffing.

Yeah what the fuck is he talking about?

But he a good boi he sober and dindu nuffin.

Praise Trump though. And kek for the meme magic.

We need you on Twitter now more than ever Carl. Please come back from the dead to join in this great victory for Meme Magic

@cbanks420lol2. Tears of joy.

The one guy said "I cant believe I'm the most sober guy on this panel" and Ant shot him a visual goon hand... (I forget who screencapped this, but credit to that guy)

*Edit U/DickPunchOpie with photo cred

His 2 cups he sarcastically called "water"

Ant: Can I get some more ginger ale please?

Nick: (sarcastically) Wow, you really like ginger ale huh?

Did Nick call Amy a fat pig? Also said something about a bunch of fat pigs moving up to Canada

Is that really a shock? Didn't he periscope or tweet some party where he was drunk after rehab?

He's really old, I don't think he knows how to use Periscope. I think he just opens the calculator app, gets confused, then falls asleep.

Anyone catching footage?

its free on his facebook

Thanks mate. Oh boy, looks like rehab worked.

Don't make it sound bigger than it is. He's not exactly stomping on any hands.

I mean I dont give a shit about anything his done, im loving this live stream and like some episodes but i still think the majority of his shows are dogshit and hes too narcissistic to get keith off air or get a good cohost

I absolutely hated the dousche on the right. No talent drunkard ass face. Blurting shit out repeatedly.

No one likes narcs rats snitches etc.

@cbanks420lol2. Tears of joy.