Patton is outraged folks!!!

62  2016-11-09 by [deleted]


I don't get it, is he saying America is sexist cause Hillary isn't a blowout win? God I fucking hate liberals, they are fucking brain dead morons.

It's actually much more sexist to assume she lost because of her gender and not because she's human garbage.

no but you see, most people didn't vote for her cause she doesn't have a peener

Well Patton doesn't see women as people. He sees them as targets.

Same exact logic they used when someone doesn't agree with 100% of what Obama had to say. Cry racism, or sexism, it's all they know anymore.

I wish he had somehow died while murdering his wife.

Hard to fight back against a xanax and booze cocktail and an angry dwarf smothering you with a pillow.

"If Trump wins will you be spending Thanksgiving dinner with your wife?"

Hahaha it's just so mean

Yeah, it has nothing to do with Hillary being a piece of shit. We're all racist and sexist. Typical liberal assholes.


Is he even a comedian anymore?

He stopped being a comedian a few years ago. Now he's just a SJW regressive left shill.

wife-killing SJW regressive left shill

wife-killing SJW regressive left shill

Sorry, I left that out. Should I edit? Or should my shame remain?

You fucked up retard

he's the one that is sexist. he's the one going around killing his wife, not us

What I learned tonight is that the dems had the winning nominee but instead went with a woman everyone already hated

America. As someone who saw the shitstorm from all the right cunts with brexit enjoy the next 24-48 hours from the lefts bedwetters ( if Trump wins)

I'll be so happy to see these homo-sex faggots panic

My dick has never been harder.

I guess Patton is ignoring all of the female Senators and Congresswomen who were also elected tonight. Nope, either you vote for Hillary or you hate all women.

Move to Mexico patton...we in Canada don't watch you, you fat fuck

fuck that we mexicans don't want you either. don't need another fat fuck, we are starving as it is

A Mexican O&A fan?

A Mexican that can read?!

Don't like Hillary? Must be sexism. Never mind the fact that she's fucking awful and corrupt.

whats he famous for again? other than being a white troll version of OJ?

Oh fuck off you shitbag wife killer.

Hillary stole the election from Bernie and gave it to Trump, this country gets what is coming to it.

I hate when liberals try to act like they're so much better than everyone by saying "AMERICA is racist". Even if we play retards advocate and pretend that sexism is the ONLY reason someone wouldn't want to vote for hillary, way to throw the entire country under the bus and ignore the millions of people who DID vote for her just so you can feign superiority to your twitter followers.

Hell, I would imagine that the number of Hillary supporters is even higher, but since young people are notoriously unreliable when it comes to voting they didn't get out on election day because "SNL told me hillary would win no matter what, I don't need to vote."

Most young people wanted Bernie and when they felt betrayed by the DNC not every one of them begrudgingly voted for who they were "supposed to" vote for. I genuinely think Bernie would have beaten Trump.

I have been looking forward to this for a while xD

Just confirmation we are moving in the right direction.

Let's face it, if Patton was married to Hillary it'd just be a matter of time before he smothered her too.

At least Trump lets his hoes live after he fucks them.

michelle mcnamara didn't die for this

neither did Vince Foster

I hope his Imperial Majesty Trump will appoint a special prosecutor to bring this man to justice for the brutal slaying of his wife.

Well, according to his tweet from yesterday, his daughter better get ready for another xanax surprise..

lol all these smug liberal entertainers are like malfunctioning droids right now, just spitting out sparks going "racist racist racist sexist racist transphobe sexist"

Kurt actually spent the evening going on one of his coke-fueled tweet tirades, except it was full of v.funny "congrats SJWs!" truthbombs, it's pretty great. He literally stopped only just minutes ago, lol -


watch out! hes out for blood tonight literally.

Child Protective Services should remove his daughter from the home immediately! Her life is in danger!

How miserable it must be,to be him.


Didn't his wife die like recently, ya know, the mother of his child? I get giving a shit about the election, but in the context of an alleged personal tragedy it should be fairly low on the shit-ometer.

I like Patton he was great on O&A the few times he did their show and he's generally really quick and funny but this goes to show that this neo-marxism masked as "liberalism" kills your brain faster than bad acid.

I remember when comedians used to be funny. Those were the days.


He's killed before, and he will kill again.

His statement is really ambiguous. Are we sexist because a woman didn't win or are we sexist because a self-described pussy-grabber did?

This election was hers to lose. She could have easily won if she didn't abandon an ambassador to get buttfucked to death in some third world hellhole, and then try to hide her guilt in the most asinine way possible.

What a cunt. It's the backlash to smug little pieces of shit like him telling people how they should be thinking that got Trump elected.

Black people getting arrested for committing crime = racist


- Patton "jesus I think that guy legit killed his wife" Oswalt

Trump made a big mistake in winning that election...

Trump is a fake conservative. Let's hope he destroys the country.

You fucked up retard