Artie shitting on James Corden

24  2016-11-08 by spooky_rationality


Corden stinks!


Kimmel benefits from being the overlooked median of late night. Falls incredibly short of the long-tenured respect that Conan gets and Letterman got, but his hackiness isn't as egregious as Corden or Fallon.

If the hosts were Axis powers, he'd be Francisco Franco.

Kimmel is kinda aware of the absurdity of the whole late night show thing while those other idiots think they are doing the world a service

From the little i've watched of kimmel I always got the vibe that he's shucking and jiving for the majority of people that watch that bland late night shit but he does it with a subtle irony that cynical fucks like us notice.

He is completely "non-threatening." James Corden has zero masculinity, he's a chubby effeminate guy with an English accent. That is what you need to be popular in the "main stream." It's the same reason Kevin Heart is so popular, because Kevin is short, he is non-threatening, and viewed as cute.

Edit: Think about all these fruity guys who host shows, and are named Jimmy/James: Fallon, Kimmel, Norton, Carr, Corden, etc...

I heard Kevin Hart's big black peckah is pretty intimidating.

Jimmy is a very quay name

What about the name "gregg" with the 2 g's.

Can't believe that fag replaced Craig Ferguson.

Artie's blocked-nose voice is annoying here.

I have always hated this unfunny fat sack of spunk. This is the sort of comedy my country Britain is coming out with at the moment. At least he couldn't make it here and I hoped it would be the last of him. Why do you dumb yank cunts love him so much?


He loses in the ratings to Seth Meyers, though. So he's certainly not as beloved as Conan O'Brien was when he came on at 12:30.

It's not him that's popular, it's his guests.

James is in the closet for sure. I didn't know America thought signing in a car with a celebrity or two was so funny until then.

"Thanks so much for helping me get to work today, I really appriciate it" "Do you mind if we listen to some mee-you-zic?"

Drug addicts who stab themselves in the heart are funnier?

If James Corden stabbed himself in the heart it would be his shining comedic achievement.

