The first 10 seconds of this Opie video make me far angrier than I should ever get

20  2016-11-08 by Dennyislife


I got a squirrel in my activity room! Scott and Todd with vulgarity, what a great show.

"I'm a fan of the 911 calls!"

Then a room full of dullards yuks it up. This is the Scott and Todd and Bob and Tom level shit that was jocktobered mercilessly for years with Opie as the biggest critic!

Bert is the fucking man, calm down with the blanket statements shit breath.

Sherrod always bringing up shitty nonsensical race "jokes"

"By squirrel you mean Mexican, right?"

What logic is that? what stereotype of elderly people says they hate Mexicans?


More like niogic


Bert is a good sport. He's kind of a douche but seems funnier than everyone else in that room by far. He still gives Opie a little pity laught.

It looked & sounded like the laughs at Opie were edited in from another part of the show.

Overwhelming audience applause

I reported this to YouTube for offensive content.

All these assholes come off autistic.

For a man with millions of dollars, why does he look homeless?

and can someone explain to me the t-shirt over the monitor?

If he shaves, he has herpes breakouts.

Holy fuck. I wanted to spit on my monitor. Was that edited?

Anyone hear the squirrel call yet? Cricket.

ME: I don't know why we never get credit for coming up with the Crickets bit

did you see Vic's face? he was like wtf is the guy talking about.

: |

Just watch Vic the entire time. Chortling and what not.

huhuhuhuhuh. it's a SKQURRRL cwolll!!!! Huhuhuhuh. It's a CWOLL! Huhuhuhuuhuh!

1:35 panicking trying to fluff the shirt away from his boobies.

What the fuck are they laughing at?!
