Fuckin' home run, Vic.

9  2016-11-08 by CigarCity79


What the hell is he talking about?

You don't think it be like it is but it do

It's a real talent when your unfunnyness can cause people thousands of miles away to feel like they were slapped in the face with a bucket of ice water.

Vic Henley is not a funny man.

He's the one man who makes Sherrod look talented.

Larry the Cable Guy's lesbian cousin.

Yeah that certainly would have been "priceless". Fucking dullard.


fawk yeah homerun henley

dvv dvv


Has the humor and essence of every awful morning zoo host Ive ever heard. Even looks like one.

"Sick Vic In the Mornings!"

That just what we do here

it's a hang!

after 2 years and hundreds of appearances on the opie and jim show, almost becoming second mic on the new opie show he has amased...... 7043 followers.

If thats not a sign of how shitty you are as an entertainer then i dont know what is.

And he still gets more retweets and likes than Opie.

That's one of those jokes that's not only just funny to the person who wrote it, but they are also the only ones who can understand it.

That's what they call him down south, 'Home Run Henley'



"You pasty hayseed." - Colin Quinn


He ranks in my personal top five lesbian comediennes


Buddy Hack

7000 followers and he gets the same number of retweets and likes as a certain busty shock-jock gets after one of his priceless zingers.


Vic's accent alone can start a civil war

Go get ya pantsuit.