Big A is a dick

42  2016-11-08 by Justyna_A


Big A has no redeeming features at all. The fact Ant invites him as a living gargoyle has given him false confidence to belittle people like bobo

His instagram is terrific.

Jesus fucking christ, he looks like Tiny Tim and Jon Lovitz the Hut

That look screams "i enjoy watching the light fade from the eyes of my victims as I strangle the life out of them". He's Lenny from Mice and Men by way of John Wayne Gacy.


I thought they were called spooks

Good link. I've never seen so many pics of Big A before, but he is not as big as he is projected to be. He's kind of like the O&A versionnof Vin Diesel or a WWE wrestler in that regard. His head is a ounpkin, though.

At least Bobo has a job.

These are Anthony's friends. He hangs out with these people.

So the troll from the Mines of Moriah thinks he's witty.

Tolkien yuma

whaddaya fawkin shitty city in arizona or sumthin tsss


Is Bobo allowed to vote? Kind of scary that you could sway a vote by writing "mets tickets" on the back of a cereal box flap

My cousin said her neighbor has a tard kid that she brings to the polls to vote so she basically gets two votes because that mud brain will vote for whoever she tells her to.

Lmao only the weakest of the weak pick on Bobo like this. Case in point Keith the Cuck.

New target?

that isn't a terrible idea. he might do something genuinely crazy.

I just don't get the entitlement of him thinking he's better than bobo. I don't like bobo for the record. They are both on the same level AFAIC.

Seeing him implode would be hilarious tho...

I bet he'd fall for fake girl twitter accounts the same as Bobo...

Bobo is infinitely more likable than fucking Big A.

too easy, no?

I think it's the payoff that's worth the little effort factor.


Bobo army niggas.

Big A is second to brother Joe in resources drawn from Anthony with no return.

I wonder when the last time a girl touched either of thier penises without pocketing money first, and vomiting afterwards?


Well a guy touched Bobo's penis recently. Does that count?

Do you think Mama Fratelli unhandcuffs Big A from the toilet to let him vote?

Reminds me of my elementary school days, pitting the retards against each other

Good times. All you had to do was shove one into the other and it started the funniest fist fight.

The bottom feeders will feast on each other once in a while

How about Bobo is fucking retarded. Motherfucker can't spell or compose a sentence and he's allowed to vote? Fucking stay home Bobo.


Big A, little C

He's a fine actor though

Does he even have a job himself?

Big A loves to lecture people on twitter about working while collecting welfare.

Bobo should reply with "when you have a spare 25 minutes, say that to my face, you fat, stammering tub of shit, orrrrrright!".


Big A is a dick...ted to food.


Word play yuma