Samantha Bee’s Final Pitch for ‘Hillary Goddamn Brilliant Badass Queen Beyoncé Rodham’

4  2016-11-08 by PoopyPantsJesus


This election has been all about vaginas.

Donald Trump's been grabbing them. Hillary Clinton's been pointing at hers and saying "Ignore all that stuff about me being a corrupt, incompetent traitor. I'm a WOMAN PRESIDENT." And we Americans are such PUSSIES that we can't elect a 3rd party candidate even though the Republicans and Democrats have been buttfucking us for decades.

You're right. I wish I had made that correlation.

It's hilarious how feminists view this as some sort of groundbreaking civil rights moment and everyone else sees an awful, embarrassing candidate pool.


Good to see she isn't the exception to women not being funny. Shilling cunt stfu and bake me a pie.

Is that comedy or a campaign commercial? I hope Bee paid TBS to air all these Hillary commercials she's done. But they're probably paying her because they're an irrelevant television station no one has watched since Skip and Pete stopped doing Braves games on it.

Oh the glory days of Braves baseball on TBS nationwide...

I'm a big fan of their fast forwarded episodes of Seinfeld.

Goddamn, what the fuck is wrong with that bitch's legs?

Why does she always lean forwad?

LOL!!! Full Frontal! Get it! like Full Frontal Nudity! fawkin hilarious!!

Either way there will be a bloody period-stained revolution.

She looks like Norton at age 70 in drag.

WEW, girl power, WEW. Ramone have this humorless cunt's turkey neck slit by a deranged mexican.

Women are funny, dude- get over it.

Why does she always lean forwad?

You misspelled forward twice.



You go girl!

What's up with her neck?She always looks like she's trying to take a shit.

Stevie Ray Badass