Tune in motherhuckers

7  2016-11-08 by TheScarletR


I hope Trump wins and during his acceptance speech immediately announces his plan on deporting all Italian-Americans

Specifically moorish ones

It was Moops, not Moors.

Moop moop this is the sound of da police


I might be going out on a limb with this prediction:

"Good. Good. That's what this idiot country deserves."

"Enjoy it ya dumb fucks!"

"I'm actually happy. Bring on the apocalypse! At least it'll be fun."

Also known as Anthony the day Obama won in 2008 and 2012.

True but with his pre-60s days numbered and his job security blasted into shit chunks, he's gone full retard in convincing himself it's the end of the world if (gasp) more of the same bullshit happens for 4 more yawn-inducing years.

Now I have no reason to watch it. Except for maybe a couple timely Goodfellas references sprinkled in.

Would be a good time for a free show...

Gee i hope they do some Sopranos impressions.

Stanhope doing a thing with burr and rogan whilst his long term gf is in big trouble a far better option

Any details on that? Streaming on YT or sumthin

No idea. I'll be waking up at 3am my time for test cricket not your silliness that goes on for ages

I forgot you were a lobster back. I dont care for the election but I'll watch some douches talk shit during it

England fan? If you guys can't beat Bangladesh, I can't see you challenging India

Aussie fan? You lot can't beat a walking dead version of south Africa. Shush.

Fair cop, We are pretty dreadful

aye nye
