Has Stanhope's blue haired mental patient lady friend gone for broke this time?

32  2016-11-08 by McGowan9


Doug is a good dude to stick with Bingo when she goes crazy every 6 months or so. he even stuck with her when she was sleeping with washtub Willy.

What? Who? Is any of this supposed to make sense? Sounds like a Mark Twain novel.

Some redneck she was cheating on Doug with. He went into detail about it when he was on Stern.

Sniff I guess he just got too big for the show

Willy also went on his podcast. He has a great radio voice

Was this before or after he banged the college whore?

I believe it was after he banged the chick on the cruise ship.

why does he put himself through this shit, though? it's not like she's a prize

tbh I can't imagine Stanhope finding a girl that can keep up with all his boozing and pill popping that isn't a bit crazy.


She looks like a tranny and sounds irritating as hell.

Yeah exactly she's indistinguishable from a blithering tumblr dingbat in appearance and manner. I mean, certainly none of us know the depth of their private intellectual and emotional connection, but I don't think anyone can be charming enough to justify wading through this much psycho-baggage and still naively believe "I can make this work". Let alone one of the most brilliant, incorrigible comic minds.

Read Digging Up Mother and Doug's relationship with Bingo makes a lot more sense.

Oh yeah, his new book would have a lot of genuine insight into it, wouldn't it. oops!

She's probably into pegging or something else taboo and doesnt want to train a new girl.

Crazy bitches are usually a great lay.

From how Doug tells it, he rarely has sex anyway.

He's engaged in every depravity of sex possible, some probably not even legal in Thailand.

At some point it probably loses its appeal, like when a douchebag hipster tries every specialty beer at a brewery, and then never drinks again for fear he might have a problem.


he talks about all the awful 2s and a-list 9s he's fucked with in his book. I'm guessing he's just old and has a lower libido now

Yeah, plus the drinking means he can't get it up often, which he's mentioned a lot.

Probably has more to do with age as well as the severe alcoholism wreaking havoc on his body and making him impotent.

Well, if ya wanna bring in a fawkin medical degree to tha discussion! Weht's next, we gunna say Schumer isn't a self-important bitch and instead suffas from confidence issues and an ova-active Thyroid?

Yeah he said on his podcast (I think that's where I heard it) that he can barely get it up due to drinking and it's lost the appeal. Bingo is great because she's an enabler and is co-dependent with Doug, much like many substance abuse based relationships. I've met her before though, she's a charismatic and sweet girl, just not all there mentally.

And ugly.

Her hideous face is more of an issue than her being a hobo humper.

That makes him a retard not a good dude

Did Johnny Depp show up dressed as Jack Sparrow yet to cheer her up?

Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?

I am a bot. I have corrected 1687 people.

Whoever the cunt is that designed this Jack Sparrow bot should be shot.

there is a Jack Sparrow bot?

Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?

I am a bot. I have corrected 1691 people.

don't give him such a hard time.

He's just a Jack Sparrow bot.

We already scared away the twitter & urban dictionary bot, we need one of our own

Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?

I am a bot. I have corrected 1696 people.

I wonder if we can drain all of Jack Sparrow bot's karma.

Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?

I am a bot. I have corrected 1708 people.

Eat shit robot scum.

I think it's kinda cute

Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?

I am a bot. I have corrected 1690 people.

Suck a fucking cock Jack Sparrow

Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?

I am a bot. I have corrected 1692 people.

Ayy lmao

ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise Them!

Dongers Raised: 2360

Check Out /r/AyyLmao2DongerBot For More Info


This hack shit would get upvoted everywhere else. Tough crowd...

Captain?! That's ludacris!!

My black people show me love when I'm up on the block

And Latinos always waitin for my CD's to drop

White people love the flow, they say, "Dude, you fuckin rock!"

Yo' fans are my fans, right? BLOW IT OUT YA ASS!



Hope she's ok. Maybe one too many pies.
C'mon Bingo.

Let's face it their lifestyle was never going to end in dying hours apart in a home

Did she jump out of the helicopter?

I never likeded him...

Sounds like Medi-Vac

All right guy who learned that term from a action movie, Jack sparrow

Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?

I am a bot. I have corrected 1702 people.

Doug has always said that he will kill himself when bingo does...

Its fair to say that girl is the type to fake this kind of shit, not saying she is, but those types love attention distortion.

You think she might have faked her way into being unconscious in an Intensive Care Unit via helicopter?

don't know, wasn't there. Just saying she fits the stereotype of someone who does wacky shit for attention. Have no knowledge of any of the details.

He stays with her so that people focus on her fuckedupedness and not his.
That and she lets him bang strippers. The man is a goddamn genius.

I liked the guy asking if Bill Burr was the pilot.


Lets see how they'll spin this to blame "the doctors" or AA this time.

It's totally Dr. Drew's fault.

Pills and booze are awesome, especially if you dress funny!

They are awesome though let's not deny that.

You trying to say you have something against dressing funny?

Fawkin too early fa dis type a yuma

Conjecture aside, does anyone know what happened?


Doug Stanhope is a real comic. He actually lives like comedians should.

I wish his material/podcasts were better though.

Most of the girls we know are mentally ill anyway...

Way to waste the time and resources of the local medevac. These people want to die. That's the lifestyle they've chosen

don't give him such a hard time.

He's just a Jack Sparrow bot.

We already scared away the twitter & urban dictionary bot, we need one of our own