NEVER FORGET: This is the real reason the Opie and Anthony show ended, and why nothing will ever take it's place with people like amy schumer running the world.

0  2016-11-07 by hairFugazi


Im down with prof Peterson


What is this?

I fully support Professor Peterson but I don't think his cause is related to Ant being fired. Calling a black woman a "savage violent animal" has nothing to do with free speech regarding gender pronouns.

of course it's related. It all has to do with political correctness with people like Ant and this professor whose job is under threat. That's my point as to why there wont be a show like OnA ever again. This is about freedom of speech.

You are completely right about political correctness. It's ruining shows like O&A and comedy in general. But I think if he we throw Ant's racism into the same freedom of speech debate Peterson is having we will only weaken Peterson's position. I like Ant but his tweets were borderline hate speech. It speaks volumes that Ant had to delete his Tweets while Peterson continues to upload more of his opinion.

Apparently he's down with Pepe and Kek now, and talking about frog gods and synchronicity. This guy's power level must be off the charts.

This guy sounds like a serial killer.

Where we at with the serial killers,Patton comment? ??????

Where we at with the serial killers,Patton comment? ??????