This faggot isn't funny, but at least he's humble...

0  2016-11-07 by [deleted]


I hope this limey dickhead chokes on his fish and chips.

Wassat? Tss john oliver why not john pickler or sumptin

Tsss no no why not John none of her

Double guns

I wish he would humbly hobble back to the British Empire. ..fuckn shill

He is quite funny and his show is very good. Is he shilling for Hillary? I suppose, but a lot of people are forced to so that this orange sleazeball fucking retard doesn't become the president

Is this a bit?

Do people really think Trump and Clinton are comparable? Ones a lawyer and career politician who successfully defended rapists, married a rapist, has had hundreds of political dissidents killed, and has voted for and plans to start more wars. The other is a big meanie who says uncouth things. I'm convinced anyone who doesn't support Trump is a beta faggot.

lol, you certainly just painted a fair and balanced assessment of the 2 candidates. Well done. Bill Clinton IS a rapist, but all the allegations against Trump are hogwash right? And Clinton has murdered what? 60something people at this point? I'm sure that's all 100% legit. People successfully murder 60 people all the time, especially when they are literally the most famous person in the world. Keep on trucking with the infowars brotha man.

And just to clarify. I'm in no way shape or form a Hillary supporter. But I'd take another 4-8 years of Clinton before I vote for this fucking sleaze ball. The guy is pretending to be the champion of the poor and middle class and you retards are somehow falling for it. It's all a big joke but I'm certain that our president should at least be more intelligent than I am, and should probably not be getting into Twitter wars with anyone who says a mean thing about him. The only thing Donald has going for him is the fact that he's never been a politician. There's not a single thing about him that says he would Have been a competent, fit, or successful one. Literally everything about him actually shows the complete opposite.

Lots of people are humble, but his shilling makes him a complete faggot.

Getting sick of all these limeys opining about 'merica. Go back to your own shit bag country and bitch about Brexit.