
36  2016-11-07 by unclepaul84


future so bright nigga has to close eyes under sunglasses

I think when they took this picture Joe had dozed off in front of Ant's fireplace.

This nigga and his weak ass eyelids

This is what Opie sees when he looks in the mirror.

A man who's head looks like a hotdog?

You're with an untalented cover band leech who wears sunglasses indoors in a picture but still closes his eyes?

You're very brave sir.

Is that Easy-E?

Easy A

(The A is for "allowance")

Yeah you can even see the aids.

Rip Van Tinkle in My Mouth for Money, Kids!

Opie's Tyler Durden

That would be Florentine


"Tilt just a little more, little more, not that much, YES, that's the perfect tilt you magnificent bastard!"
- his thought process

Oh I get it he wears the hat to look like The Edge.

Closed eyes, weak heart, can lose.




I think a compelling reason to hope for a Hillary victory is just to make Joe Cumia sad.

He looks drunk


All jokes aside this guy might be the biggest loser in at least New York.

He would have been great for Hillary Clinton's campaign ads. Just a picture of his big dumb face splashed on the screen, then you hear a somber voice saying " This man is Brother Joe. Brother Joe loves Donald Trump. Would you put your children's future in the hands of anyone that this yutz admires?" "Don't 'Brother Joe' our great nation. Vote for Hillary Clinton."



Joe Cumia army nigguh!!

A black guy should remove those glasses for him.

Preferably with a Kenworth

I'll be glad to see this blown up and framed behind his casket after Hilldog beats Trump and he dines on a bullet. Extra points if he pulls a Benoit.

A face made for #childspit

He's such a weird, greasy, WWF-looking old man.

I have a feeling that the homosexual in that picture is a complete fuckwit.

This guy sucks.