November 9th

0  2016-11-07 by unclepaul84

Me: I always was going to vote for blank(presidential winner). I was All IN! Sniff


ME: At the end of the day, I don't fawkin care who is president. They're all full of shit. Brother Wease taught me that.

Opie likes Ike.

That guy is still around right?


ME: Is that a good question?

It's not worth making another thread but what are the chances that Ant accepts a trump loss as valid? Like people are morons, the press was against him etc all fine, but actually acknowledged that Clinton legitimately won a majority of electoral college votes?

No chance, but that's only because of all the evidence of fuckery that's been going around. People are gonna ride this shit until they both die

Theres no more of anything going on this year than any other year.

yeah im just saying a good portion of the public are being made aware of all the shady shit we aren't supposed to know about.

I forgot he still exists.

We might descend into all out civil war for real.

And dummy Ant doesnt have his guns - the fucking irony is rich.