Sam being in a position to bully lowly staff members is against nature

15  2016-11-07 by Dennyislife

But its funny


Sam being in a position to bully lowly staff members is against nature

You know it's true!

Sam was bullying the staff when he was an intern.

Its always been unnatural

Wasn't there an intern that got pissed enough to physically threaten Sam and was released for it?

Remember when Sam made Intern David "Chief Intern?" And then they put together that thing where David did an analysis of all the interns and critiqued them? One of my favorite bits of all time.

Intern David was like Sam's Sistine Chapel. It was my favorite thing he ever contributed, aside from Jocktober.

Sam was the puppet master Opie dreamed he could be. Whenever Sam spun a great work and caused a fight, Slothbreast would take credit. Any attentive listener knew it was Sam's doing.

The lines he would write for Bobo are a strong contender as well.

Oh my god, yes. And the best was how fucking excited Bobo would be to say them. He could not WAIT to spit out whatever insanity Sam had just written for him. "Patty, if you breathe into that mic one more toime, Im gonna bite your clit owff."

Knock it off, SPADE!



Anyway to jumpstart this unconfirmed Erock talking shit thing? Sam obviously hates the pig and Erock is sensitive enough to respond. It would probably provoke some jabs from Opie, too.

He has always struck me as the type that hid behind the big bully in high school, cackling and pointing at the victim.

Remember, Mars has no problem hitting a dumbass woman.

Sam would have never survived in an actual man type job such as a construction site, mechanic shop or even a military outfit. The first time he ran around behind someone's back starting malicious rumors or shit stirring folks against each other he would receive a stern talking to, perhaps a bit more.

sam was on fire today..... for sam i mean

Sam used to bully Erock when he was an intern. Par the course

Sam would have never survived in an actual man type job such as a construction site, mechanic shop or even a military outfit. The first time he ran around behind someone's back starting malicious rumors or shit stirring folks against each other he would receive a stern talking to, perhaps a bit more.


Do you think sam would survive in an actual man type job?


Knock it off, SPADE!