From now on Sunday's will be known as SHITPOST SUNDAYS.

2  2016-11-07 by GRIZx

Seriously, nothing but reposts and non topical bullshit. I don't even think it's anyone's fault really, but when there isn't an J&S show to talk about or an Opie show to shit on this sub turns to shit. I wish there was a weekend podcast or something for us to shit on/talk about.

Carry on with the shitposts.


My friend, this is the day of our Lord. All of the sub favorites were at church.

Im gay

exactly how gay are you?

I like his bad posts. I think every day could be shitpost day and just let the upvote/downvote system work its magic

It's not going to work it's magic if he posts the same non working "joke" about his shitty credit over and over again. I don't even know how it's a joke. He obviously doesnt care about downvotes which just makes it spam to the rest of us.

Well I dont care that much, but I would think if people really hated it it would sink to the bottom fast with downvotes, if people thought the pestering stupidity was funny it would stay visible..either way it would let the users determine what they want to see. Unless there is some kind of vote manipulation I guess

There's a certain to charm to good shitposting, like Knickers, but this guy lacks that charm and awareness.

I definitely agree, and I dont really know these posts, but asking about your credit cards all the time kind of falls on the funny side to me, I cant think of any examples of the really bad ones but this one is above it to me, but it is subjective I guess

I just go by the user reports on posts, a lot of people reported those credit card posts as spam.

Hahaha NERD!!!!

Ah yes speaking of faggots, here we are with you... a constant shitposter, why don't you post some more Hilary and trump posts into a subreddit devoted to a radio show. Or perhaps you'd like to spam the subreddit with questions about your shitty finances.

Ah yes! shit post. Post post. Shit shit. Post post post. Faggot. Fuck fuck! Shit! Post. Posts hit shot shit post. Faggot.