You fucks, making me laugh in different subs.

73  2016-11-06 by beier5


I hate it when people make posts in this sub saying "you fucks" or something similar, as if to say "Hey, I know we act hardcore and mean around here, but in the end we're just a big gang of lovable, mischievous misfits"

Now hold your horses. This isn't your typical subreddit. We've got an "edge" to us.

Yeah, but it's really just a big hang. We exchange edgy quips and some folks from other subs just can't handle our vitriol. We're just a buncha frickin' comedyheads that like to bring the funny, amirite?

I hope the edge is a wet AIDS needle

Only when you're sitting on it, sweetie

Love you dad

Pretty much any post or comment recognizing "this sub" at all is fucking gay. Double gay for "you fuckers"

This place is fucking toxic. I hope your mother drowns in a pool of untreated sewage.

Self depricating yumor

We're the O&A Knuckleheads!

I think by saying "you fucks" is a reference to ken bone calling steve from Yellowstone "you fuck"

Oh we been waiting to figure out what you hate, shuttup

Flair 👶🏿

watch it, chief.

I thought his name, BBC Future, meant Big Black Cock Future. As if he was predicting what the future held for his next partner.

I see a big dark future for you

Dr Opie is a fucking fraud. His PhD is only a titular, honorary award.

I'm not sure I get the Nagoya ref. If it was a bombing joke it works-- city was a target for firebombing in WWII, but why go for the deep cut when Nagasaki and Hiroshima are instantly associated with it?

So was Dresden

Vos played there once.

once was enough it seems

O.K. terrific

i laffed at an unexpected chippah in the wrestling sub yesterday

Hey fucking Nigger babies, kike spics!?

Opie has tits.

I hope all your children are born retarded.

AAAWWWWHAHAHAHA Louis you're hilaaaeerious !!!