Was cucked by my gf last night and made to go to Big Amy's show in Denver... AMA (She recorded her new hour special)

43  2016-11-06 by FlowbeeYourTits

  1. She was wrapped head to cankles in stretchy black pleather making her 'very brave'.
  2. She wore 6" stripper heels in a vain attempt to change her proportions.
  3. Is very, very brave - and rich and humble.
  4. Sweated like a hog and had three lady-cucks run out and touch up her makeup 3 times (yelling at them to 'hurry up girls' via the mic).
  5. Used a teleprompter for her comedy and yelled at the prompter operator for not keeping up.
  6. She's so brave you guys - so brave.
  7. Had Club Soda Kenny kick out a heckler after demanding her audience point him out... he yelled, 'put it in your butt' in response to a forgettable line. Brave - so brave, no-nonsense.
  8. Started 40 minutes late because she's having the audience wanded my metal detectors.
  9. Lots of jizz, fucking, fat jokes AND SHE'S SOOOOOO BRAVE.

How many inches can your girl take in her mouth before gagging

Ask her sandwich artist

She really uses a fucking teleprompter? So not only is this cunt physically lazy as shit, she's too mentally lazy to remember her fucking dogshit set? She can't be bothered to memorize jokes she herself didn't even have to write. She's literally a worthless bag of human fat flesh prancing around making gross cow noises.

Also, "Cucked by my gf", yeah nah nigga. Women that men actually want to fuck don't care about Amy Schumer.

Terry Jones used a teleprompter for the Monty python final gigs. And now just a couple of years later he is nearly fully mute due to a form of dementia. Fingers crossed.

With her cholesterol, she she won't get within ten years of the average age for the onset of dementia.

Yep - absolute used and relied on it. I didn't know she was using a prompter until she stopped the show, yelled into the mic, "prompter person, I'm so ahead of you...yep past this...done this... done this... done this... ok, there"... then stepped right back into her act.

I've never been to a special taping, but it had the feel of a television production with lots of 'cut, do my makeup', 'ok, reset this joke', 'edit that out' kinda shit... 2hrs of dogshit...

100% used and relied on the prompter... the propter operator got behind and Amy berated them, stopped the show, made them scroll the prompter to the right spot then started again... just fucking weird...


There's no way someone from this subreddit has a girlfriend

What did the bulls cum taste like?

imagine the swamp ass those pleather pants created.

Amy is the Limp Bizkit of comedians. She was barely around before being thrust into super stardom, didn't have the chops to handle any of it, and became almost instantly over-exposed, lazy, and boring.

I'd rather listen to limp bizkit do stand up than Amy.

"Ya'll, what's the deal with the nookie?"

"Why is it that someone would do All of it for the nookie?". "Wouldnt Some of it be enough??"

They are a bunch of Girls.


she did it all for the nookie (foods high in fructose corn syrup)

exactly... funny, but not ready-for-super-stardom-funny...

Did your girlfriend enjoy it? and if so why are you still with her?

Because it was Strapon Saturday and flowbee wouldn't miss that for the world.

So wait... let me get this straight. Was she brave?

Storming the beaches of Normandy brave. Took a lot of guts, I presume.

Read this in Cartman's voice.

so brave you guys...

Did she ask anyone to stand up admit that they were raped? That shouldnt make anyone feel uncomfortable when they are coming to a comedy show.

She did have that moment... not the 'stand up for no reason if you were raped' but it was a 'clap if you -insert SJW power button here-' moment.. i forget what it was... but yes - kinda...

Sounds hilarious.

Should have audio taped it and leaked it here.

If you are not getting blown every morning before work you need to do the following. Pack up your shit and run.Run run like Forrest Gump. Or next show Dice and sit in the front row.If you choose not to do this you will be fucked for the rest of your pathetic life.godspeed my son.

Girls are funny. Get over your self

Dude you forgot to mention smart.

Did you laugh? Be honest.

dude... it was not good. I really think Amy is talented and super-stardom just hit her too fast. I saw her when she was an opener for Jimmy and she's genuinely funny... this special was not good.. definitely 2 hours of 'blech sjw + cum (see how I'm still funny) which will be edited to an 'hour of girl power'... couple of giggles but this was not great.

Because her boyfriend Anthony Jeselnik was writing her act.

Will, look at it this way, a usual night for your gf is slumming in the hood

she really used a teleprompter???

what self-respecting comedian does that? i get politicians running for office, but this is piggish lazyness.

then again, why would amy schumer learn other peoples' written material?

yes - really.. and 'relied' on it... got lost in her 'set' and berated the prompter operator to keep up... 'scroll, done this, done this, done this... yes here'... then right back into her set... more 'production' and less of a stand up set.

most stand-ups need a year or more to perfect their set. they know it by heart. she just reads some stuff another person wrote for her, doesn't even bother to really learn it.


Why haven't you answered any questions here and why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Never mind, I think I just answered the first question with the second.

did norman open?

He did! he is the reason I went... also cause i had to blow the bull in the uber on the way over... but his set was super short. The started about 40 minutes late cause they were scanning the crow with metal detectors so Normand on did like 15 minutes... left... then came back again and did 5 more... disjointed but a fun set.

I just wonder if she was brave or cowardly.

dude.. she was soooooo brave... you guys... she's so couragous...

Well you supported her shitty act so quit complaining about her

Have you ever seen a dude naked?

I know she tries to avoid politics, but did she endorse Donald Trump?

Oh I've got some bad news for you sir...

Thank you for sharing. Now prep the bull, faggot.

How did Sherrod's cum taste, fag?


Our bois club here really is the last bastion of hope

Where does Amy get her ideas from?

I bet after half an hour on stage that hog's pussy smelled like sour milk

is it true that they do an intermission at every one of her shows and wheel a trough out for her to eat out of?

I've heard this too


you read a teleprompter at a rally not a comedy special

for me, the worst thing is that she's yelling at the people working for her onstage...unless of course she was yelling in a "funny" way.

it was definitely 'snotty, hurry your ass up', but delivered through a fake smile in an attempt to not sound as bitchy... several times...

If any man goes to a Big Amy show, cuck is too lite a title for him.

If any man goes to a Big Amy show, cuck is too lite a title for him.

I know you jokingly called yourself a cuck, but you're really fucking pathetic not only for going to the show but for having a girlfriend who enjoys Big Amy.

Lots of girlfriends like Amy

Girls who like Big Amy are not worth making your girlfriend.

Says the incel virgin haha.

Excuse you I'm volcel.

I have no defense. You are correct sir. I like the taste of bull semen.

With her cholesterol, she she won't get within ten years of the average age for the onset of dementia.


They are a bunch of Girls.

"Why is it that someone would do All of it for the nookie?". "Wouldnt Some of it be enough??"
