Biden On Trump: ‘This Is One Sick Puppy’ DVVT DVVT

21  2016-11-06 by BeMineYouGoose


I want Trump to win out of spite. Hopefully we survive and these disgusting political figures can get their shit together and actually start representing the constituency.

To see Patton and schumer pissed if he wins would be a present for us around here.

Cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Hey, ya know, your lips to God's ears, my friend.

No, cutting off my nose because it has an infectious skin disease and I'm hoping it stops spreading.

..when it doesn't and you are healthier than ever.

The world is a better and safer place than ever. "Make America Great Again" is retarded bullshit.

The world has been trending to the better since WWII, but the fact is that isn't going to keep going on if we continue to live in an oligarchy where the wealthy and the law makers are in such extreme collusion. Our government is retardedly corrupt and it's fallacy to assert that just because today is better than yesterday that everything is fine.

Bread and circuses.

...Is a phrase that doesn't apply.

Go back to bed, America. Everything is under control.

Here's hoping Joe Biden walks out to "Devil's Circus" at his next speech.

A soc, a yuppie and a sick fawkin puppie. This is unprecedented.

Joe Can't Remember Shit Biden.

Stupid Joe's kid just HAD to die of cancer. If that selfish little prick hadnt done that, we'd be looking at 8 great years of Uncle Joe instead of Cheetoh Jesus or the Sea Hag.

Diamond Joe!

What does "DVVT" mean?

It is mimicking the sound of a power chord in a heavy metal tune

I hope that answered your question!!


That did answer my question! I now know what "DVVT" means. Thank you very much!

Dont vaccuum vaginas today