Have you ever noticed that Kenan from SNL is a dumb semi literate fuck? He moves his lips when he's reading his partner's cues. In every sketch. Watch [1:55]

19  2016-11-06 by Ant_Sucks


We don't have anything similar to SNL in the UK so maybe I just don't get it, but from what I have seen SNL looks like complete dog shit. I haven't seen one funny sketch come out of that show.

It is dogshit. Even when it was "good" it wasn't good (maybe one good sketch per 90 minutes at best).

He's a moron I've heard other cast members talk about how he fell for an online scam and they had to lend him money like someone's grandma .

SNL stinks 95% of the time.

Just like yer cootah!

That don't make no sense.

thats volga, have some respects.

As a young, bi-curious child in the 90's, I loved 'Kenan and Kel' on Nickelodeon, but how in the hell did Kenan manage to stay on SNL this long? He's tied with Darrell Hammond for having the longest tenure (14 years!) but I couldn't name you one character he does...

non-intimidating black guy, it's not his character, Tim Meadows invented it.

Beat me to a Tim Meadows reference. Damn!

If only Kell got famous instead.

Keenan should Kell himself


Hammond? You're an idiot.


Does anyone remember laughter?

Hammond was the best impressionist the show ever had. Youre crazy


That sounds like the writer's problem, not Darrell's

Meadows and Nealon are alright but I still think you're onto something.

Nice guys but the two lamest regulars in the 80s and 90s

Hammond is awesome and is certifiably insane. Check out some of his past, it's nuts.


He deserves your respect. The man invented the knuckle puck for fuck's sake.



His longevity at SNL is a mystery to me. He's not funny. At all. He doesn't bring anything to the show and is a detriment. How the fuck is he the longest tenured member?

That don't make no sense.

haha when he's not mouthing the other guys lines it looks like he's using every bit of brain power to stop himself.

yeah he does do that...

No racism plz .

Then I got nothin'.

Is it racist if we imploy science?

Is it racist if we imploy science?

Are you unimployed?