The Hulks a pandering bitch

12  2016-11-06 by [deleted]



Celebrities should just stay the fuck away from anything politics.

They're very educated... they have the education of Antwan Kumiya: high school graduate (maybe not graduate?).

Lol what? Trump never said to monitor black voters. These retards will believe anything.

Well they're making them get identification, they might as well have GPS trackers embedded in their skulls, it's pretty much the same thing.

We must be really racist in Canada. We have to show ID before we get our ballot!

Mad Respek yo. What a douche haha.

Patrice was absolutely right - Twitter ruined the idea that celebrities are better than you.

Oh he's a climate change advocate. Gets some money and some fame and suddenly he's an expert on politics and the environment. Why doesn't he go ahead and keep 10% of the movie money he earns, live in a modest home and drive modest cars, send his kids to public school and shop where average Americans do and then put his money where is mouth is and donate the other 90% of his money to climate causes.

Nah it's just much easier to tweet and pretend to be smart.

ok regular joe

Look at his fucking profile pic. Like he's looking into the future with trepidation but a grim kind of hope. Soviet level shit.

That's the worst thing I've ever fucking seen.

With the exception of a few dimwit cops who get trigger happy because they're old and stupid and afraid of black people, I'd say the african american community shouldn't have much about whitey to complain about.

Patton must be with him tweeting.

Something is seriously wrong with him

He knows that "THEY" (all black voters?) from NC are indeed 'fearless'. Pop out a trash can then smarty pants... I guarantee that ass is getting knocked the FUCK out.

Who is he pandering to? Do you understand the words you are using?


you are an idiot. next time you think about making a thread, don't. faggot

It's ok that you don't know what pandering means. I wouldn't expect someone that wants an orange reality TV star to be president to be smart.


You dont know what pussy smells like.


Tsss, fawkin hilarious, orange because of his skin color. You got that fawkin guy.


What does his skin colour or the successful reality show he created after earning billions as an entrepreneur have to do with his policies on trade, immigration and foreign policy? Or do educated people like yourself vote based on appearance?

The only thing he has been successful at is convincing rubes like you that he is successful. He was an abject failure as an entrepreneur until he found he could make money by selling his shit "brand" to morons. He will not release his tax returns because it would shatter the illusion to millions of yoekels that think he is Warren Buffett instead of Kim Kardashian. Which one of his vague and nonsensical policy stances are you most excited about, sweety?

His trade policy is that China is killing us and when he is president he will make the best trade agreements, trust him. Wow, what a plan.

On immigration he is going to build a wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it. Here is how that has played out:

Trump - We are going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it!

Mexican president - We are not paying for a wall.

Trump - They will pay for it, trust me.

Mexican president - No we won't.

Trump - They will pay, it is going to be the best wall.

Foreign policy he is real strong on though right? What is his foreign policy again? To lick Putin's balls and destroy ISIS? How will he destroy ISIS? Trust him, he knows ISIS better than the generals!!!

His skin color does tell me he is a fucking clown. What other man with a spray tan isn't a joke.

He was an abject failure as an entrepreneur until he found he could make money by selling his shit "brand" to morons.

"He was unsuccessful until he became successful."

God damn, you are retarded.

"The only thing he has been successful at is convincing rubes like you that he is successful."

I'm not a rube nor do I care about his levels of 'success'. I care about, as I've already stated, his policies regarding trade, immigration and an America First foreign policy. I've long preached the same things.

"He was an abject failure as an entrepreneur"

Irrelevant and false.

"Which one of his vague and nonsensical policy stances are you most excited about, sweety?"


"His trade policy is that China is killing us and when he is president he will make the best trade agreements, trust him. Wow, what a plan."

This is the sort of ignorance getting your information fromc omedy shows breeds. He has repeatedly spoken of his plans for reducing offshoring of American vital industries and commercial enterprises by punitive tariffs. This has a proven track record. No company wants to reduce its access to the richest marketplace in the world. Your ignorance means nothing.

"On immigration he is going to build a wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it. Here is how that has played out:"

The wall could easily be payed for by taxing the massive amounts of remittances sent from the USA to Mexico. You've never actually accomplished anything in your pathetic little life so you view every plan as an impossibility because you don't think great people can achieve great things. You're a parasite living off of the achievements of productive people like Trump.


"Foreign policy he is real strong on though right? What is his foreign policy again? To lick Putin's balls and destroy ISIS? How will he destroy ISIS? Trust him, he knows ISIS better than the generals!!!"

You're an embarrassment. As acknowledged by anyone with ME knowledge, the most effective forces against ISIS so far have been the Russians, the Syrians, Hezbollah and Iran. Trump has repeatedly acknowledged the contribution of the first two and promised to align with them in the fight against ISIS. This is America First 101. Hillary's policy is really just an extension of the rich gulf states foreign policy which sees eliminating a Shia regime as desirable. That's not America First.

You're an embarrassment to democracy because not only are you supremely ignorant but, far more shocking, you're incredibly sure of yourself.

You know nothing. You have no ideas. You hate your father (presumably). I look forward to the helicopter ride that is an inevitable part of your future.

tl;dr you're a faggot



What an emo queer. That sums up every a Trumpfag perfectly.

So imposing punitive tariffs is America first? Who do you think would be paying the extra cost you uninformed sack of shit? The cost would be passed down to Americans, you fucking nitwit. Do you think China would just sit back and take that shit? You are a dumb fuck.

Taxing remittances, if he could even make it happen, just shift money to illegal channels. Stupid faggot.

He wants to align with Russia and Assad because he is a fumb fuck that Putin has been playing like the clown that he is. He is basically going to weaken our relationship with NATO partners because Putin said he is a cool guy. Fucking idiot.

You are a dumb faggot, and I look forward to you crying like a bitch when your orange daddy loses to an old hag.

How does Trump's cum taste in your mouth you little bitch?


how does that feel you little faggot-bitch?


OK, so if you were running for President what would be your trade, immigration and foreign policy prescriptions?


Then you're worthless. Bye.


I will.



OK, so if you were running for President what would be your trade, immigration and foreign policy prescriptions?

Then you're worthless. Bye.

I will.