Try this for yourself. If you type "Miss Piggy" into Google images, every result is Amy Schumer. Just pages and pages of results. Amazing.

116  2016-11-05 by Ant_Sucks


Vury good

In all seriousness; we really should get Amy Schumer to appear when you search "Miss Piggy". We've done it for Joe Cumia and the Urban Dictionary thing, you cant Google search Opie without pulling up baldopie, etc...

Everybody google Big A Tongue scrapings! Google bomb Big A tongue scrapings!

If you type in "Miss Piggy fucking" on google images you get some seriously scary shit if you have safe search off.

safe search off.

what kind of adult are you?

Some people on here have kids I am sure, either their own or ones they have kidnapped, so they may have safe search on and need to turn it off to do certain types of searches.

you cheeky cunt. excellent shitpost, m8

