The fake Italian cuck actor "gangster" De Niro is a panicky Pete about a Trump ppresidency.

0  2016-11-05 by TweetsOfDoom



"Id like to punch him in the faccccce."

Bob, if you're gonna punch someone in the face, start with your fucking agent. You haven't been in a good movie in 15 years, and you're a goddamn embarrassment. At least Brando hand the decency to die before he could do too much more damage to his legacy. More like AGING Bull, amirite??

This made me laugh

Jon Voight knows what's up. I can believe him because he called out the blatantly rigged Soros voting machines. Deniro got all emotional like a fag saying he wants to punch Trump for saying mean things.

Please...let the "Super Predator" Italian half-negros think their part of Trump's team... they really think they're

The Soros, Rockefeller, Rothschild connection is out in the open. I HAVE THE DOCUMENTS !!!

Good article. Hollywood is a bunch of pedophile child fuckers

I'm Lyle "Chip" Chipperson and I approve of this message. Grab em by the peckah of sumthin

Oh Chippah!!