Is everyone up to date with the insidious child sex shit going on right now with the DNC? Fucking insane to say the least..

23  2016-11-05 by panasonictooth


Just another day of our guy Alex Jones being proven right again.

He should be reveling in his own shit right now. What a hero.

Yep, just like he was right about the play at the faggot club really being child sacrifice.....ooooooooOooooooOOOOooooooOoooooooOOOO.....

Thanks for correcting the record.

You are welcome, right-wing nut job faggot!

Anyone else talking about this? It seems like this is not in the nebulous, vague conspiracy theory territory but firmly unambiguous.

Edit-- on reflection i am GROSSLY underestimating the possibility this woman is an insufferable cunt who is deluded in thinking her kids are not party killers

Lol, I don't think they were talking about fucking kids. Squares like having kids at parties because it lightens the mood.

Suuuuuure. We can play some games with them for a lil fun. I brought my magic eel.

"Hey, ill bring the kids, you bring the cranberry beer and Pictonary"

Pretty much. I was just in a meeting about our organization's Christmas party and we started talking about what a hassle it was having kids there. The response from the COO was that every one gets all tense and self-conscious if we don't have kids there.

Suuuuuure. Sometimes the kids can help you relieve some tension.

They lighten the mood by helping getting rid of the perzun, shuuuuure!

This is legit. The people are talking about it but the shilling MSM are useless and won't comment on any of this shit until it reaches boiling point.

Because most people understand she is sarcastically referring to bringing her annoying kids to a pool party. Seriously how far can you try to stretch these pedestrian emails. Get this bullshit out of this sub

The type of stupidity required to imagine this is talking about pedophilia is mind boggling .

And people are dismissing it because only Breitbart & Co. are reporting it.

When I read "al-fresco and hopefully not not el-CHILLO" I went "tsssssss"

Fawkin homerun Podesterson!

"take us out kid fucker!"

So this is what /r/opieandanthony becomes? I'm going to be glad when you lot kill yourselves after Trump loses.

U mad.

RemindMe! November 9 2016 "To laugh at this butthurt faggot"

I'm mad that I still visit this shithole with people like you and these other Alex Jones cocksuckers around.

Mad as fuck, bitch boi.

Hurr wikileaks isn't reliable, NBC is!

Wikileaks is a Russian mouthpiece now, and idiots legitimized it being that way.

He says with zero evidence. You're dumb as fuck.

I love how you faggots loved wikileaks when it was exposing Bush but now that it's not your guy URRR WIKILEAKS LE RUSSIA. Sorry this place isn't a safe space for you like the rest of reddit, bitch boi.

Oh, and NBC is reliable, they aren't just lying about the most absurd of shit and seeing what sticks. Where's that Hillary indictment, FoxNews watcher?

Don't change the subject, give me your evidence.

Also lol this echo chamber living bitch boi, if you don't like the garbage that is NBC then you MUST love the garbage that is Fox, the one channel that doesn't regurgitate the exact same horse shit. Did John Oliver give you that one? Shit head.

You're right, FoxNews doesn't regurgitate the exact same horse shit. It regurgitates worse. MSNBC has the facts on its side at least.

I asked him twice for evidence about Russia/Wikileaks tie and twice he had nothing. Toodles, bitch boi. Stay mad that this isn't a safe space. I'll see ya November 9th.


Why do you even come here at all? I never see you comment about O&A. You only rear your ugly head when it comes to defending liberal bullshit.

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oh shit this is a big commitment

you think it will be decided by the 9th?! both sides lawyered up and will stretch this shit out for as long as possible. but yeah, you think that dude.

forgot about the uneducated trucker scene O&A attracted.

No shit they'll lawyer up, and how many times has the initial electoral college results of the following day ever been overturned after lawyering up? Stupid shit head.

calls ppl mad. is clearly mad himself. drink some chamomile tea bb

As expected. No relevant reply to the argument since his shit head non-point was shot down.

Hahahaha! Your tears are delicious for a projecting uneducated shithead. Toodles ;)

What map of the electoral college are you looking at that gives you any hope Trump can win?

The fact that you're still comfortable with the prospect of Hillary becoming president tells me everything I need to know about you. You're an ignorant fool that still looks to MSNBC and CNN for your news. Your opinion is totally worthless.

like Trump stock in 2 days



Hahahahaha! The tears of your pals on TV is the most delicious part. Toodles ;)



I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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This headline and then the actual content of the emails is why this scandal hasn't taken off.

What do you mean?

He's saying that the media will talk about run of the mill corruption and influence peddling by the Clintons, but the rabbit hole of the elites' pedophilia and child sexual abuse practices is so deep, so all-encompassing, that the media is afraid too many powerful people would be ensnared by an investigation so they won't even touch it. He's saying that the American oligarchy is big into kid touching, and the practice of keeping child sex slaves is so rampant among the elite that it's a taboo subject the media won't cover for fear of exposing too many elites - including the ones they like - as pedos.

So he's taking as basic assumptions that, 1) pedophilia is rampant if not ubiquitous among the elite in America, 2) the media knows about this and 3) actively covers it up because 4) this perversion is so widespread among the oligarchy that they couldn't expose just 1 pedo or the pedos they wanted to bring down without also publicly exposing the countless other pedos who the media likes and don't want to bring down.

So in other words, they (ie (((the media)))) want to fuck Trump with this pedo accusation, but they know that if they draw attention to it, they'll find that not only is Trump guilty of pedoism, but so is Clinton and Bush and Kaine and Gore and Romney and Obama and Kerry and on and on, and they can't take down just one without taking down the whole corrupt system, MAANNNN!!! That's the gist of it. I just dedicated 5 minutes to explaining an insane conspiracy theory about elite Satanic pedophile rings. You're welcome.

Thank you squire.

THERMITE CHILDREN. Seriously though you're stupid, the chick who sent the email is talking about her own kids that's why she's being so detailed.

Why on earth would they say that there will be an 11, 9 and "almost 7" year old in the pool for their entertainment? Please, I'd love to hear your reasoning?

There are two possibilities here:

  1. Tamera Luzzatto is a cornball telling her colleagues that her precious children will be there, so prepare to be amazed.

  2. Tamera Luzzatto brings her three kids to DNC functions to be fucked by strange adults.

I'm inclined to believe the former, especially given the tone of the email chain.



seriously though. why is it always such vague reaching most of the time? desperation?

I dont know which tammi is worse

And to add to that, other people are likely bringing their own children, and she is assuring them that her kids will be there as well to play with them.

yes, not everybody makes or listens to pedophilia jokes all day every day. so, unbelievable i know, when people make references to kids their mind doesn't automatically look for how their words could indicate that those kids are going to get a deep dicking.

some people, right?

i wouldn't doubt that such things happen every now and then every couple decades, and i enjoy seeing people torn apart, but the tone of this email doesn't seem to imply anything beyond face value.


Your prior on mothers openly pedophilically bragging about how hot and young their children are to guests via email is surprisingly high. Not even Breitbart tried to make this a story, this is InfoWars level partisan brain cancer.

We will see. Who can be certain? There's already a few conspiracy theories coming to fruition. The rigging of election machines and the Clinton foundation being a personal piggy bank for the Clintons amongst them.

Cause Pedos send email chains to all their coworkers, amirite?


I think the mom is stupid for ruining the party by bringing kids.

Theyre powerful elites with no soul... sorry i thought they were pulling a Bryan Singer or David Geffen.

3 kids in a heated pool for "entertainment"...

Prob the fluzzy behind him...not the corpulent man. Plus the only 2 people entertained by kids are moms and pedos. I guess this mom might be clueless about how unfun small kids at a party are, but it looks weird. Eh im not a parent

Edit-- *floozie. Im stupid

Suuuurrrrrrreeee, what could be more entertaining?

I kept reading that, waiting to come across Rich Vos's tour dates

Me too... but no...just something that looks a hell of a lot like pimping kids.

I cant think of an innocent reason to point out kids will for sure be in the hot tub for further entertainment. Somehow i doubt they want the kids to sing poorly for the adults like a Christmas Eve party

Im all in with /pol/ too

You better not be Canadian or Australian.


What an abhorrent post.

I fuck teens, get the fuck over it

Both literally and metaphorically

SHHHHYOUURRRR! Lihul Maeve likes ta go tinkle in tha pool. I'm tellin'.

i was there!!!! we played the shark game in the hot tub and then i kissed their little necks

Here's an official photo that was sent with some emails along with the message.


Why the fuck is this upvoted? I wasted valuable seconds reading that mundane shit.

About 3 quarters down the page is where you should be looking.

Ehh..the court says I shouldn't be looking anymore!

Cuomo says no!

Context and TLDR


Seek help.

What do you make of this All official shit, no doctoring. To sit there and say this is all conspiracy bullshit is foolish. I'm not saying they're definitely guilty but you'd be an idiot to think there's nothing to see here.

Hm yes what's more likely, a lady is bringing her own kids to a pool party so they can go in the pool and enjoy themselves, or a lady is bringing her three daughters to get diddled by the elites of a political party that happens to be the main subject of your paranoid delusions???

It's pretty well known that there are connections to child sex and the Clintons. Epstein's "pedophile island" where Bill has been over 30 times, Hillary at least 6. I admit it could all be above board but I wouldn't put anything past them at this point. If it weren't for WikiLeaks and Weiner sexting that 15 year old none of her bullshit would be out in the open and she'd probably piss in the election win and we'd be none the wiser. The stage was set for a Hillary win regardless of the peoples vote, that's pretty much confirmed now. On top of that the Huma Abedin Saudi connection is extremely sketchy, amongst a ton of other shit.

It's pretty well known that there are connections to child sex and the Clintons. Epstein's "pedophile island" where Bill has been over 30 times, Hillary at least 6

All according to conspiracy rags, all consisting of speculation and no real evidence.

If it weren't for WikiLeaks and Weiner sexting that 15 year old none of her bullshit would be out in the open and she'd probably piss in the election win and we'd be none the wiser.

What bullshit exactly is out in the open? Give me actual emails.

The stage was set for a Hillary win regardless of the peoples vote, that's pretty much confirmed now. By whom?

On top of that the Huma Abedin Saudi connection is extremely sketchy, amongst a ton of other shit.

Wtf does this have to do with a pool party?

I don't know if Americans are big on child fucking, but I hope they are because then people would stop shitting on the British for being child fuckers.

you actually go through your history and delete the downvoted comments? Someone has some Major insecurity issues. . .lets see what else I can find out about the real you

Huh faggot?

What did I delete? And If I did delete something it was probably because it was foolish or I regretted it. Give me a screen shotted example? I'm sure you have a whole file on me you obsessed weirdo. This thread is 2 months. Eat shits.

Yeah major apologies that comment wasn't for you I understand your confusion

I was trolling a troll, but for some reason this particular comment went to your profile. Really weird.

Interesting lol...

There are two possibilities here:

  1. Tamera Luzzatto is a cornball telling her colleagues that her precious children will be there, so prepare to be amazed.

  2. Tamera Luzzatto brings her three kids to DNC functions to be fucked by strange adults.

I'm inclined to believe the former, especially given the tone of the email chain.

Your prior on mothers openly pedophilically bragging about how hot and young their children are to guests via email is surprisingly high. Not even Breitbart tried to make this a story, this is InfoWars level partisan brain cancer.

Cause Pedos send email chains to all their coworkers, amirite?


Thanks for correcting the record.

It's pretty well known that there are connections to child sex and the Clintons. Epstein's "pedophile island" where Bill has been over 30 times, Hillary at least 6

All according to conspiracy rags, all consisting of speculation and no real evidence.

If it weren't for WikiLeaks and Weiner sexting that 15 year old none of her bullshit would be out in the open and she'd probably piss in the election win and we'd be none the wiser.

What bullshit exactly is out in the open? Give me actual emails.

The stage was set for a Hillary win regardless of the peoples vote, that's pretty much confirmed now. By whom?

On top of that the Huma Abedin Saudi connection is extremely sketchy, amongst a ton of other shit.

Wtf does this have to do with a pool party?