Jim admits that the first Opie vs Jim fight in 2005 was the result of Opie telling Jim to not make fun of him on the air, Jim would have left the show if Anthony didnt call him and talk him out of it

189  2016-11-04 by TheScarletR


So there it is. Concrete proof of what everyone on this sub and everyone faggot enough to listen to this show for multiple calendar years has known for a long time:

Opie, who lent his name to a show that made fun of people. Who was always, always the loudest voice in the room IN said making fun of people. Who liked to call himself "The Destroyer". Who famously destroyed the food of the homeless for laughs, shaved a 50 year old virgin's head and destroyed the guitar of an elderly mental patient, for laughs. Gregg Opie Hughes....

Went behind the scenes and berated his own coworkers, and asked them not to make fun of him. And only him. On a show ABOUT MAKING FUN OF OTHERS. On a show where HE HIMSELF made fun of others.

I am a faggot for the PFG capitalization but JESUS CHRIST I just wanted to get out that Opie is a human toilet.

"Jim is shaped like any container you pour him in"

ME: Ooooh! That's what we do on this show!

"Opie's shirt is stupid today"

ME: You want to get fucking real?! Tell a sad story and I'll play a sound clip over it.

LMAO. That's one of the ways you can tell he has no friends or is genuinely retarded. Friends bust balls for the worst shit. He can't take a joke about a fucking shirt

Opie is autistic so he can't pick up the vibe of the room. That's why after somebody says something funny he has a delayed reaction. When everybody bursts out laughing it takes him a few seconds to figure out that he should laugh too to fit in. When he hears a comedian lightly roasting another comedian he just hears it as a "fawkin brootal" attack that he orchestrated by inviting them in which is why he immediately snaps at anybody who turns it his way.

I just figured that delay was because they were all doing other things while someone else was talking. Guests would comment on ant reading paltalk, Jim said he wrote his books in studio and wouldn't be surprised if that was literal and figure opie was reading call screens or prep or gossip websites.

He also takes jokes seriously all the time. Thats a huge sign of autism when you read things literally

He admits he can't laugh at stand up and when he goes he just tries to understand why people are laughing. He's autistic yes, but it's a lot easier to just call him a retard.

you forgot the fuckface between every word.

WOW is that perfectly accurate

and WOW do i hate him

I am a faggot

That's all I got from your post.

To be fair Ed Asner called him "A Destroyer" which he promptly adopted.

Opie, Rogan, and those awful "pests" back then acted like Asner meant "Destroyer" as in "Conan the Destroyer", a badass. He meant "destroyer" as in "destructive" as in "the opposite of creative." A person with no business being involved in anything that requires talent or creativity. Someone who can't keep up with what's going on or come up with something original, so he just shits all over what's going on to feel like he had an effect. He drops a log in the pool because he can't swim.

and he only adapted it because smashing shit is easier than being funny, something he knew he wasnt and never could be.

Gallagher and opie have a lot in common.

Too bad Gallagher never smashed his stupid watermellon head

Concrete proof of what everyone on this sub and everyone faggot enough to listen to this show for multiple calendar years has known for a long time

I stopped reading here, I indeed am a faggot and I indeed will accept this whole thing as cathartic praise.

Well, to be fair, Opie isn't his name and he doesn't like it.. it's just a dumb name he got stuck with because people called him that because of his hair color when he was a kid... Fawk!!! sniff

This is exactly the only thing I truly dislike him for.

Opie was self conscious about being bad with words. At least he was a rock star at math and science to make up for it though.

He could have been a Doctor

Dr. Model

Dr. Gay Model McBasketballplayer


There's only one Dr. Gay.

Thats Tefft, to you, buster.

Guy fucking could caddy with the best of them too

This kid was great. They used to call him "Big Tits Greggy." I swear to God. Oh, he'd make your show look like fucking Scott and Todd. Excuse my language. He was terrific, he was the best. And he made a lot of money, too.

No more shows, Billy. You been away a long time I dunno if you heard, Opie and Anthony ain't a show no more.

Not only was he a world class caddy, he was practically a member of the mafia. "A friend of ours" if you will.

Leave him alone, he came from one of those hood mansions where they packed his clothes in cement bags when he went on his yachting trips.

At least we know it makes Opie really really mad when people make fun of the way he speaks

He is self conscious, because he knows that he fails at speaking. Thankfully, he's not in a career where that matters.


Oh, literal Goose...

People are calling Jimmy a pussy for not attacking harder. His strategy is just a better one (for him): he's killing Opie slowly while still taking the high road.

and more importantly, he's doing it casually. The stigma has been removed, and Tits is on the table. He's open for discussion, and it doesn't have to be an event when Jimmy does talk about him.

There's no need for a death blow when Jimmy can bleed him out over the next several months/years, as things arise naturally, or when a shot presents itself.

Artie does that with Stern now, and it's great. Aside from his big, headline-grabbing, internet-stirring monologues about new-Howard and the cult-like creepy weirdness of Stern's organization, he'll just casually drop a line about cats, or loving Ellen's dancing, or vacationing with Jennifer Aniston.

Those tiny comedic woodpecks do just as much cumulative damage as the bombs do.

What about his basketball prowess? It was dead certain he was gonna make it pro with all his mushy 5'10 might....

All over Jimmy taking innocent jabs over mispronunciations? Tits is detestable.

Jim gave him a couple of very gentle teasings because Opie pronounced the P in "put" like a B. That's everything that happened.

It's so weird if that's what it was. Isn't that just a radio thing? In the Beavis & Butthead movie, they're doing radio and the host instructs them not to use any "hard P's", which of course you can guess where the joke was. I've never attended the venerable Connecticut School of Broadcasting, but isn't it just a thing? To not make a spritzy "pppuh" sound into the microphone, and that's why opie said "but"?

I have to assume it was. Why wouldn't he just explain that though.

If they're a decent radio studio they have pop filters that deal with that anyway. He's just an idiot.

Don't question Oqie, he's been doing radio since he was 18 months years old!

Yeah that's why he was doing it and he did explain it on air. Jim knew why he was doing it.

Opie acknowledged that he didn't need to do it anymore (as Phantas pointed out). It was just such a fucking minor thing, it's hilarious that he actually got angry about it. You can hear on air that it started to annoy him. I wish someone had a clip but no one wants to listen to the god-awful shit that was 2004/early 2005 O&A.

Was that in Beavis and Butthead do America or an episode? I don't remember that in the movie.

In the Beavis & Butthead movie, they're doing radio and the host instructs them not to use any "hard P's", which of course you can guess where the joke was.

Dats vulgah.

I laugh every fucking time I hear / read that. Fuckin vulgah yuma.

I took an intro to TV/Radio course in college. Our school had old-as-shit equipment, taught by an old-as-shit professor.

His "tips" for the biz included not using hard p's because they make a popping sound on the radio. He had no concept of newer ideas/tech existing outside of his little world. He was literally Opie if Opie never moved beyond WLIB.

like but what a grade a retard opie is they should have but him in a basement

Opie could never take a joke. That has always been his biggest flaw. He couldn't come back from people breaking his balls as he is just not clever nor funny.

Thank you for your service

And they're still trying to be diplomatic with this fucking asshole (Opie). WHY?! Just get on air and kill Opie. Deliver the final blow. ENOUGH of this asshole already.

It annoys the shit out of me. Ant did it for months, then finally had the Gregshells episode, and now he's back to being diplomatic again.

Two Gregshells episodes and constant jabs.

It kind of makes sense with Anthony because at this point if him and tits got back together at least there will be some initial brief interest because of nostalgia. Jim should just air Opie the fuck out

Exactly. Both he and Sam have really been pussies about this whole thing. Yes, Opie helped Sam out and gave him his start. That doesn't justify years of acting like a moody teenage girl and treating people like shit. I propose full out nuclear warfare, no more holding back.

saving that for nearer his contract being up i hope. So they can get the 7am hour

They are taking the high road, they see a sad and defeated man and refuse to kick his teeth in. They feel sorry for him. I think it's up to us, gang. As much as people mock and hate Ant, he seems to have a stable thing going and I would be surprised if Opie has a job by the end of 2017. He can't start his own network. The dumb fucking fool is finished and everyone knows it.


That's what my shit says every morning.

Ive never known grown men to be such bitchy faggots,

Exactly. There's something to be said for the occasional punch-up between mates. Win or lose, the air is cleared after you trade smacks with a friend who's been annoying you/you've been annoying them. If you don't do it you end up with this passive-aggressive "he said" shit.

what's it make you, then, riveted to every word?

can we please stop with the faggotry that we don't love, or are somehow above, this faggotry?

it's like Brother Joe complaining about welfare mooches

Jim really is a scumbag, whining little bitch. No wonder him and Sam work well together.

Opie still is the worst. But what a wormy creep Jim is.

Damn him and his honesty.

I love the little reminders that Opie has always been the worst.

I feel bad for doubting this sub and defending opie a few years back. You were right, I was wrong. He is 100% cunt. He cannot be defended.

So Opie can't take a joke? That's weird.


you say odd shit to people, dude.

You wanna go?!?

Yes. Let's.

puts down frappuccino

To be fair, frappuccinos are delightful.

What a horrific accent this douche has. It's LA + fading Australian. Horrible.

Ah, the Mel Gibson (Lethal Weapon 1 and 2 era).

Sorry for that long ass title but lots of info in there

Wasn't that on the list of things that "saved the show"? It was pointed out several times that Jimmy started the whole mispronounced word deal. I like it. Tits used to talk about it all the time, how they used to just hope that no one noticed. The point is he's a bitch PERIOD. <---lol. Hes a 60yo man reading at a 4th grade level who insists on reading shit out loud to a nationwide audience. To have the balls to get shitty when someone says something tells you what kind of a whiny, pussy ass, tittyboy he really is. The more that comes out about his mongoloid ass the more I despise him.

Opie used to talk about Jim bringing bomb-acknowledgment to the show, not necessarily teasing someone for mispronouncing. Not like Opie was ever okay with his bombs being acknowledged anyhow.

If Jim never went on the show, Opie would insist the bra bombing audio was an example of classic radio.


He's a ridiculous apologist for cumia - it's awkward to listen to.

Opie must have done something worse for Jim to hate him so much - if it was just him saying 'don't do uncle paul bits' and then saying he didn't want to go to afternoons, Jim wouldn't be such a gay about it.

There's def something else that went down (fan fiction).

"apologist for Cumia"? What do you mean?


are you retarded?

actually, don't answer.

Good shit, OP. I forgot Ellismay was a thing since the Tony Hawk tour days

Ellis is good friends with Bam, too.

And as we all know, Jim made Chip so he could make fun of Opie. And what's ironic is Chip has gone viral ("my wife died of cancer" and Opie can't. So Jim's character mocking Opie goes viral and Opie can't! Hahahahahahaha

is there any evidence of that other then our speculation?

i agree that its likely true, but has it ever been actually stated anywhere?

Yes, Melissa Stetten told me on the phone. I got her cell phone and drunk called her one night. We talked for like an hour, she was nice, and absolutely said that Chip is making fun of Opie, and before all the cell phone shit hit the fan, she said Jim and Ant would text each other about Opie all the time during the show.

I can confirm that, she told me the same thing, that one time, when we were laying in bed together, after i fucked her good.

If a moderator will reply, I'll happily say how I got her number and my method still works. I just don't want to get banned for "doxxing". So like if I can describe how I got it, without giving it out, I will. Of course I'm sure she will change it after 100 fans call her.

If this is true, then Jim was patronizing Opie for years with his "luscious V" and "12-pack" descriptions of Opie. He couldn't make fun of Opie - so he heaped completely unrealistic praise upon him as an inside joke.

He was trolling Opie for 10 years. I wouldn't be shocked if Chip is actually confirmed to be an Opie impersonation.

Ha, they got the hook. Good shit. I like the shows that have actually asked them about the situation.

This kinda makes me more annoyed that Jim thought O&J would work. He actually thought it was a good idea to co-host a radio show with a guy like that.

Yeah but you get a gig that pays so much for so little work and you're going to be willing to put up with a lot. I sure haven't turned down a project because my coworkers were thin-skinned bores.

He heard Tom Wopat would be in the building in 5 months and he just couldn't risk losing that photo.

Ironic that Anthony saved the show.

They always had the list of words that Vos mispronounces hanging on the wall, but they could EASILY have a longer list of Opie words on the wall. Besides the words that he ALWAYS pronounces wrong...he can't make it through a story without butchering 10% of the words. It's always funny to listen to him struggle to say a word, long after the audience already knows what he's trying to say.

He SHOULD be embarrassed and self conscious about this.

Opie tried to put a gag order on Jimmy?

It didn't work because Opie thinks a gag order is when you swallow a skateboarder's cock.

Hes not entirely wrong...

I invented that. Tell 'em, Fred!

opie is a real piece of shit

Time stamp?

44 minutes

Mushroom stamp?

Only if you're a good boy.

That was good.

I'm glad Jim at least mentioned that opie has never been alone. I think that's as close as we'll get to Jim saying he sucks without opie starting more shit. Which will probably happen at some point

Have you been talkin shit?

More confirmation that Opie has the psyche of a 13 year old girl

Good clip...roll it back a little for some interesting CONTEXT. [00:44:52]

I always thought it was a little odd that Jim would be that upset about not saying thanks to another comic that came in. Glad to know once again it was Opie being a piece of shit.

Yet he called Opie to tell him to continue the show without Anthony.

So words do hurt!*

Has opie responded to this? Link? I'm guessing he hasn't and won't respond

Was that the fight where (on the surface) Jimmy got all upset because Opie didn't say goodbye to a comic JIM invited?

I haven't listened to it in quite a long time but it's this one:


There was also a soundboard to go with it


See what can happen when you PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE AND CALL Anthony?


I see u/stinkskc stalker even has a YouTube account

I remember the fight being about Jim getting all pissy about some nobody comedian not getting what he thought was a proper goodbye even though the guy didn't add anything to the show.


Opie is a queer

I was gonna say that.

There is still time

This changes everything! < Just kidding, Jim and Opie are faggots, Sam is a faggot in training.

i dont know was the tranny hooker routine burnt out 11 years ago?

Can't wait til they're off the opie channel. That's when he will finally be able to say how he really feels

44 minutes

Mushroom stamp?

Only if you're a good boy.

He is self conscious, because he knows that he fails at speaking. Thankfully, he's not in a career where that matters.