suuuurrrrre about time those tattle tales stopped interfering wit my romancing.......

1  2016-11-04 by literalotherkin


What a legend.

He must give a mean turkey foot.

we're in luv......

Pics required. If shes old enough to get fucked by Murray Hewitt then she's old enough to be gawked at in a picture on the internet. WTF Germany? Who're you protecting here?

thank god for you. you're sexually liberal and fair not A BIGOT like the rest of the people i know....

also thank mr skeltal for good bones and calcium

eat diseased shit you cunt cocksucker, fuck the unfunny loser who programmed you and if he's reading this then I'm sorry

Can one of you talented people create an Uncle Paul Bot? Everytime someone says "Kids" or "Children" he just answers Schhhhuuuure