lefty blog thinks Louis CK's Hillary endorsement is pretty sexist

4  2016-11-04 by golightlys_iphone


You would think Feminsts would deify anything uniquely female, like being a mom.... but they fucking HATE moms. This is why i believe Feminists deep down fucking hate women. Why else would you choose not to elevate womanhood but destroy everything else? They hate themselves

Feminism is my least favourite -ism (racism obviously being my favourite.)

I wonder sometimes if these cunts realise the stupidity and hypocrisy in their cute little "beliefs" but then I remember that women have tiny brains with only enough room for pretty dresses, babies and baking me another god damn pie.

They've won the culture wars in every way, shape, and form, and it still isn't enough. They will always find something to bitch about because that's all they know.

Thats why its a self-eating system. You can NEVER be "tolerant" enough... and since no humans are perfect its a nice "Original Sin" kind of situation where they can control you through guilt

Bloggers should be gang raped consecutively by everyone they've ever accused of being a bigot.

i'll show up but i'm not stickin my dick in these goofy looking troglodytes

Fine. You'll be our refreshments guy.

They haven't won the culture war. It's just a phase and eventually these shiteaters will be tuned out.


More important. ....Conan still on the TV?????