Joe 'awful tattoos' Derosa says civilians don't deserve to be able to talk to him on-line. What do you guys think about this?

5  2016-11-03 by hairFugazi


Joe "Safe Space" Derosa

It's not like Twitter's whole success was based on that you could talk to anyone.

What a fucking moron.

How ironic that he thinks everyone else is falsely entitled, when he's the one yelling about people not deserving to talk to him because he's better than them.

If you listen on to 2:19:30 Joe actually has a go at the people who walked out on Pig and claims they were stupid and left because of 'Trump jokes'.

Fuck you, dude. She wasn't making jokes she just decided to stop doing what Pig was paid to do and inject a political rant into her set.

what line was he on?

the one to Anne frank house, he likes to admire a job well done

The 'sucking side' of the glory hole line

You're a moron. A glory hole is 2-way. Wow how embarrassing for you to not know that.

Joe worries about his black friends cus he's a shit-lib, but then he goes on Mel Gibson style rants about teh joos. I don't know what to think of him, other than he's an unfunny cuck.

This show is just guttural noises and people yelling over each other.

when I think of Kafka I think of the dark bowels of bureaucracy not 'summers'. I think you erred in choosing your name, sir.

If Joe doesn't like the fact people can talk to him on twitter, get the fuck off twitter. No ones forcing him to be on it. If he wants to promote without getting feedback he can go back to promoting on his personal webpage that will get a fraction of the views. The whole point of social media is that people can interact with each other. And as far as his problem with people walking out of schumer shows, if she was a good enough comic she should be able to win the audience back over.

If he wants to promote without getting feedback he can go back to promoting on his personal webpage that will get a fraction of the views.

If he wants to put out info and receive no feedback he should write his messages in sand, make a youtube video of them, then turn off the comments. Then maybe he'll have as many viral videos as Opie, too!

I think Joe can fuck off.

Fuck DeRosa, he's another one that has become the typical leftist bitch nu-male like Burr and Louie. I guess getting somewhat famous makes you forget what made you funny in the first place.

I think he looks like a childfucker.

You guys are still listening to 'that' show...

He's a very emotional and dramatic guy

Oh fuck off Derosa, you shoulderless Arab cunt.

You look like Jared Fogle and I'm pretty sure you share the same interests.

Oh fellas, be nice to my pal joseph

My joey likes his privacy

Has a picture of the blob he put over the KKTITN tat come up yet? Ive been waiting since like 2013 to see that mess.

Is this true? Lol I'm actually a Derozerrr fan, havent heard about that.. I'm dying to see it

Lol I like Derosa too but yeah, there was a picture of him on stage and it looked like a big black square, but Ive never seen a close up picture of it.

I'm surprised by the amount of people on here who like him, I thought all of you hated his guts. The uninformed show he did with bill is still way better than the Jim & sam show in my uhpinion

Joe Pete Davidson's former favorite comedian Derosa. The Navy should dump him and Kurt headfirst into the strait of hormuz.

Who's Joe DeRosa?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, his head looks like the Moon Pie logo

wow, thats murderers row right there.

My biggest issue with Joe Derosa is that he's a racist. The reputation Joe Derosa has for racism is what bothers me the most. I don't like the racism of Joe Derosa.

For a nazi Joe does not sound very democratic.

Patrice had the same attitude, and he was correct.