Just two guys trying to be cool...fail miserably.

12  2016-11-03 by ricswrangler


Sam has puppet legs

The way his stupid feet are pointing outwards, Jim and Ant have mentioned how much of pathetic walk he has, this proves it.

And a massive hog

Sam's cock is the size of a thimble; this has been well documented...

Jesus Ellis .. I guess blowing dudes ages you..

Nothing says cool like a big knife, tattoos and a paid sponsor coffee t-shirt.

powerful jason ellis

those are some tight pants. where Troy at?

Sam has a scene-girl lower body.

Jason Ellis is a faggot. PERIOD.

Well, funny story bout that....

Do you know how repulsive one has to look to be the the ugliest person in a photo that includes Sam? Sam is attractive compared to Jason Ellis.

Sam's gay shoes attached to his pencil gams.

You can have knives in LA?

This is more Ellis trying to be cool. In all fairness

Just a couple of men hanging out and missing chromosomes.

Is that the knife Sam stuck in Opie's back?

whoa! don't go there!

SpongeSam SquarePants

Sam's got awesome birthing hips.

Why did that fella bring a bowie knife to a morning radio program?

That's really is a great question

you really could just land Marine One on Sam's forehead.

Sam Roberts is one ugly motherfucker.

Ellis head tattoos looks better and more natural than ants hair plugs.

Two more Proud Boys.

Jason was bald before. I wonder if he got that tattoo hair shit

At least zach sabre jr is cool

poor sam, whats with his hips/legs?

Sam really does look like a Muppet

sam's pant/shoe combo has a nigga contemplating suicide

That's really is a great question