I want to shoot a spec/commercial for Jim & Sam, but Scorch won't do it :(

0  2016-11-03 by Doc_McCoy79

He said Sam and "those guys" have "crossed the line too many times." I'm trying everything but he's just not going for it. Had an idea for a 30 second thing in a gym where Scorch plays a badass, I think it would be a really funny spot. He won't fucking do it. So bummed. He lives like 5 minutes away from me. Fuck! Fuckin Scorch. I love him.


Well maybe have someone else approach him with it, have him read some lines that sortof work with what you are shooting, but have the promo stuff like "Jim" and "Sam" worked in there where he doesn't realize it, but you can still use it later with editing.

"Hey I'm Samson the Badass here at the gym"

There ya go, that gem is on the house mr bigshot director.

I was really thinking about that, my gut impulse was "he won't do it if he knows Sam is involved," so I was going to make it up that it was something else.

But then if he found out and was pissed, I'd feel really bad. This is why Im not further ahead as a producer, I can't bring myself to be a scumbag. I'm fucked.

Now that he knows you, and told you he wouldn't endorse them, it would be a little weird to do. But its just a goof, much worse things have been done.

I've never met him, I would honestly be starstruck if I did. I'd fuckin love to meet Scorch, the laughs I've procured on his behalf are beyond calculation. Jocktober and anything Scorch-related had my 100% attention in O&A history, they were in my top 5 things of the show.

record him telling you to fuck off. That will do.

That would actually be hilarious

Aren't you the guy who ripped someone off on a ghostbusters prop? Maybe Scorch can smell a fellow swindler.

How are things up in Manch Vegas??

He's in Sherman Oaks! He's over by Sepulveda and Ventura. That's a nice area. Motherfucker moved on up.