Anthony has one of out greatest minds on today

14  2016-11-03 by cumbot6969

Joe Devito in Studio


Aaaahhhhaaaaa you meant to say 'one of OUR greatest minds' but you said 'OUT greatest minds' aaaaahhhhaaaaaaa

I wonder if he has any moments of self-realization while staring at Joe DeVito listening to him drone on, looks around and sees Keith and Garrett fiddling on the controls, the green fabric behind him and it all hits him, he sits and silently wonders to himself about the direction he took his life in

I think about that any time I see the banner art on this sub of him sitting across from David Friggn' Letterman.

8 short years later he's doing a basement podcast surrounded by inbred, mouth breathing, middle aged losers who laugh at everything he says and when he does a live remote 12 people show up.

Can't wait till he finally announces a co-host after 3 years, and it's joe fuckin devito

Yet again, the NYC studio is KILLING IT!

I liked him when he showed up... Before the piratebay torrents of TACS went dry. someone get on that !


It's like a reverse Twins where Joe is all the shit left behind after constructing a decent person.


When are you we getting our own Joe DV show? GOD!