You fellas ready for 4 years of Trump? LOL

3  2016-11-03 by [deleted]



There's a weird mix of rabid anti-racism and its opposite on this sub.


Actually, the white guilt faggot leftists did a pretty good job making sure that Trump will never set foot in the oval office. This is a retarded little pipe dream you have.

Of course. Trump would never walk in a room where a black person has ever been


Absolutely. The odd outbursts every now and then from people totally asspained about racism, on an O&A board no less... where these the people who used to call in and get yelled at?

After all the weird trolling its nice to get back to good old fashioned /u/Apenia trolling


I'm sorry I impugned your character




No, they're simply racists.



538 still shows a landslide victory for Clinton. Wont happen.

How is this controversial? Nate Silver's metadata gives a more realistic look at the current national mindset than any one individual poll.

Because feels before reals with the right wing. They want it to be true, therefore they must insist that it is true.

If 'feels before reals' applies to any group, it's the left. Watch this video and you will see.

No, it applies to the right

This exchange kind of proves me point.


No, that's what the right does

Decent troll I guess

Nah. The right wing baselessly asserts things, so I just do the same thing right back at them. They find it frustrating.

Still trolling, but ofc I'l bite cause fuck me I guess.

Notice how all conservative radio hosts/tv personalities and just talk and talk about their topics with barely any notes of teams of people helping them whereas all liberal radio hosts/tv personalities need all these teams of people behind the scenes to set everything up for them to make one single punchline. Liberals tend to fall apart in debates.

So it annoys conservatives how they do research and know their topic very well only to be met with 'Nope, you're wrong'.

Notice how all conservative radio hosts/tv personalities and just talk and talk about their topics with barely any notes

No, I don't notice that. They all have teams.

You better cool your jets, mister, cuz a guy like me stays ready for anything! Capiche?

I hate that wretched cunt and she's absolutely a war criminal on top of being a plain criminal, but there's no way she's going to be indicted haha. One dude projecting way too much confidence on the matter on reddit won't all of a sudden make the elite vulnerable to the law.

Regardless if she doesn't get indicted NYPD will release all the emails they found relating to her

I hope so but that won't change anything for the average voting idiots who've devoted themselves to her sham female-empowerment movement. People who follow the long war know all about her ties to Libyan ansar al sharia and the shipments of weapons to al qaeda in syria and iraq, but the average folks who are going to actually put her in power are going to do it for the most superficial reasons because once you've picked a side in this election the battle becomes an exercise in defending your own reputation and ego as much as it is about politics.

I don't an indictment would matter tbpfh fam

You think he'll be a one term president?

If trump didn't want to fuck his daughter he would be in a stronger position


Touchy aint ya tough guy.


Wasn't racial. EU immigration is white people trying to get in here not the brown ones. Only super retarded liberal types think its racist...


So thats why Trump wants to fuck his own daughter? To keep the culture?

Got it.


Pardon? This is what i first posted you deflected.

He is only a man made of flesh & blood & a peckah.

Yes,an I want to thank George w. Bush.That fuckn nincompoop was so bad,we voted for an inexperienced pimp who couldn't close any deal.How's that health care workn.So this is what we deserve. ....Hey not a peep outta that Sanders fella,makes me think he was a Work or he is lying face down inside a barrel of Vermont maple syrup. ......

You sir, are the reason why trump won't win.


Right as Trump gains the lead in the polls some racist supporter did it.

What dimension you live in?

Blacks or cuck faggot whites burn down a black church and paint "Vote Trump"

Actually, it was a Trump supporter. Sorry, stupid - hate to break it to you.


Why, sir?



He is only a man made of flesh & blood & a peckah.

I'm sorry I impugned your character