What is Sam's salary now? Is he rich now?

0  2016-11-03 by TotallyNotObsi

I know this doesn't belong in this sub, but I'm happy for him. And I don't even like him that much.


You-know rich, maybe.

N Person

New Yorker?

No. How could Sam be Rich? What is this like face off or something.....tss tss... fawkin sock cucker However....you can still see Rich (Vos) this saturday nov 5 at Joker's Comedy Club in Chester NY.

Rich is pushing SIXTY and what he's got to show for it at this point in his decades-long career is a gig in Chester, NY at some shit hole dive called "Joker's Comedy Club" .... See, it's got the word "joker" in it, so that means it's a place to see funny stuff, right gang? BLECCCH

My actual guess would be $200,000

Just for the morning show salary. I couldn't even guess what he makes for the wrestling stuff he does.

Sirius is notoriously cheap except for big celebrities they bring on to start doomed channels and Howard Stern. Sam is an unknown entity and unproven really except for his niche wrestling shit. I'd bet Jimmy gets the big money in the contract and Sam gets considerably less. He's probably pulling in no more than 60k a year for the Jim and Sam show.

Remember for the longest time Jim wasn't pulling down very much for being on O&A. I think Sam is in that spot now.

Too much. $80,000. There is no doubt in my mind that Sirius would low ball him. He's never proved the ability to bring listeners to the channel or keep people subscribed. If the show is successful or at least holds the old Opie audience, then he'll be able to negotiate a nice salary for himself.

Looks like Jenn Jess stuck it out long enough so she can cash in on a nice little alimony payday now.


Yes, Jess. Sorry. lol

Sam is probably pulling down 12 bucks an hour. 40 hours a week. No overtime so if he works more than 40 he gets paid nothing for it. 2 weeks of vacation a year. Has to pay for his own health insurance.

Ouch. That might hit a little close to home for the Panera crew.

Fuck you, I made 65k managing my local panera, and I got health care, 402k and all the bread bowls I may or may not be able to digest.

Please. No way would a Panera manager be posting here! You sir are lying!

We're all counter employees at Panera. Just regular joes, take our lunch to work in a metal lunchbox with a thermos of coffee. Come on fellas breaks over, that good food won't make itself so let's get back to it.

Perhaps more than that!

He can officially buy that flatscreen TV he's been saving up for. And a Honky Tank Man action figure.

I decided to splurge on a 21" 720p.

Does it come with a breakaway guitar?

If he was living somewhere reasonable he would probably be doing pretty good for his age, but in NYC he's probably just got to the point where he can actually start saving some money.

If Sammy would move to Mexico he'd be filthy rich.

New Yorker?