"put Purell in its eyes then kick it into the wall" - Jim Norton

57  2016-11-02 by chippersonlyle

I love angry Jim talking about Travis's dog.


My first memory of Jim, and possibly the first time I listened to O&A, was him talking about clubbing baby seals and that he was in favor of it.

He said he wanted to split open the soft bellies of a pair of pups and then slip his feet into their warm innards and wear them as bedroom slippers.

Hah, was that also the time he went off about how dumb and useless bears were?

You should be more like your cousin Barry


Maybe a little before but he talked about bears coming into town and feeling proud when they saw a stuffed bear at a sporting goods store. They thought one of their own was being honored. Great stuff.



"I'd like to scoop up the ocean and throw it into space."

"I'd like to shooka shooka a deer on the chin, then roundhouse its face with brass knuckles. Then deep-dick it while it nurses its tender jaw."

Norton rants are legendary.

"Petrified forest, buncha fuckin scared trees. Id love to karate-kick a little sapling and break it in half"

Angry jim for president


hahahahahahahaAhahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA bro the way you typed it out 10/10 💯

What The Fuck.

i know right. I liked the way he typed it too but it's really not 10/10 material

"Petrified forest, buncha fuckin scared trees. Id love to karate-kick a little sapling and break it in half"