User Reports, 22-24 April.

38  2016-11-02 by BigGreenYamo

user reports:

1: Poster has a small penis and is compensating by being a douche chill faggot.

1: User is all in with being a cockmongering faggotino

1: An absolute faggot

1: Disregard that OP sucks cocks

1: Spam

user reports:

1: Doxxing faggot who finger-blasts his own asshole to Jimmy Neutron

user reports:

1: Huge fag who knows too many details about Anthony not to masturbate to him

user reports:

1: Drinks his own cum and pretends it's his Dad's

user reports:

1: Has a smaller cock than Dani Golightly

user reports:

1: Fuck racoons then feeds them to his family

user reports:

1: Blocks the view of Sue Lightning during webshows with his strap-on

user reports:

1: Refuses to eat shit and die. 1: Ozone Mental Midget sighting

user reports:

1: Huge asshole that needs to be filled with my cock

user reports:

1: >being this big of a faggot

user reports:

1: What a fucking loser

user reports:

1: Has trouble seeing the difference between cringe humor and just being a douche, bcoz aspergers

user reports:

1: CLEARLY a colored person

user reports:

1: He keeps posting the same comment 4 times now. WE HEARD YOU!

user reports:

1: Being mean pretending he doesn't know me :(

user reports:

1: calling me a fag and telling me to do things fags do

user reports:

1: I believe this thread was inspired by butthurt faggotry.

user reports:

1: Has not developed a personality which prevents him from making good posts. Probably raped by peckas.


Alright, now fess up. Who said what?


User reports got a nigga ribs hurtin' today.

1: CLEARLY a colored person

God fucking dammit that made me laugh for some reason.

" Being mean pretending he doesn't know me :("

That's my favorite one.

Has anybody noticed a trend with how homosexual we all are? I enjoy calling people a faggot, and I didn't know it until I tried it ;-).

Ah, so you've moved past just calling the twinks you pay to fellate you faggots and now everyone is fair game?

Find a thread with more than 30 comments on here without the word faggot. It's like godwins law but for peckahs.

Hey Spinuch, what's up lil buddy?

That ozone one made me laugh

"Probably raped by peckahs" ... I fucking love these.

What is this nonsense? I was most certainly NOT raped by peckas.

Not with that attitude you weren't.

How many unoriginal faggots have reported this thread so far?

5 and 2 have reported your comment.

It was me, it was all ME.

Why from April?

Because it's the only time I saved any, and also can't be misconstrued as "brigading," since the posts are all archived.

This sub's staff's paranoia about "brigading" has gotten so fucking retarded. YOU CAN'T BRIGADE YOUR OWN FUCKING SUB REEEEEEEEEEEE

No shit.

What I'm saying is that online moderation is a joke, and people who do it for free are fucking retards. Go eat your Hot Pockets, janny boy.

Really? I didn't get that from the first post.

u r a dik

Words hurt

Words scar

This is the best subreddit ever.

You spelled gayest wrong

It's especially funny when you use these sorts of reasons to report someone in any other sub besides this one.

Reading the reports are the only enjoyable thing about modding this sub

Who are you?


Holy shit these are funny.

Love you'd for these