Looking for stories from Anthony about life in his 20s

5  2016-11-02 by mrblonde94

It's an older clip I heard a while ago, Anthony was reminiscing about life in his 20s working different jobs and pretty much fucking up. He talked about working as a technician in a factor, impressing his coworkers by figuring out a new way to do whatever task he had, and falling asleep looking into a microscope, possibly on acid. Anyone remember this or have the show/clip?


"His 20's" or "the 20's?"

What's the difference?


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He's a dumb guinea tin knocker who won the lottery because a ginger douche liked his awful song parody. Then he got fired when his white trash upbringing combined with his alcoholism finally got the better of him.

The end

Thanks for the mini biography, but your angry commentary doesn't help me much