Jim and Sam are knowingly fucking with Tony Hinchcliffe, by spending that much time asking about him dating girls. It's like listening to Fez again.

25  2016-11-01 by whatisthishere


yuck him going on about dating women. that fucker is queer as a four dollar bill

good analogy grampa

If you kicked him in the ass, 100 cocks would fall out

Didn't he get his start with letting Rogan deep dick him when he 'opens' for him on the road? Isn't this common knowledge?

Oh now that's not very nice.

I'm sure Rogan loved him very gingerly.

Champagne hand jobs in first class.

And Rogan is no where long enough to "deep dick"

rogan couldn't deep dick an infant

Louie: "Big enough to bottom out in an 11 year old corpse."

You sound dissapointed.

keep those gems comin carlin

Carlin was boring.

no one cares

Exactly my point. Carlin. This post. No one cares.


He's openly gay isn't he?

He's either deep in the closet, or he's the first straight gay that talks and looks like that.

I'm pretty sure he dated little Esther Povitsky

Don't besmirch my go-to fuckable midget

The beacon of femininity.

Rogan had a joke about him, something along the lines of "I told him it's a shame he's not gay, he's built for it. It's like being 8 ft. tall and refusing to pick up a basketball."

Jim drinks urine, but claims to be straight


I honestly thought he was an openly gay man.. this is hilarious

I always took him as A-Sexual, like R2 D2.

I've never seen or heard a thing about a girlfriend and that guy. I've never seen him hanging out with a woman, ever, and I see him around quite a bit. I don't know, man...

I hate his snarky face and from what I heard he is the inspiration for Isis

He really irked me

Wait, no one believes this guy is straight...right?




Tony has a girlfriend in Niagara Falls.

What is the point of being in the closet anymore? There's like one guy left in the country who still gives a shit.


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Hes not worth making fun of.



I've heard gay guys get pussy thrown at them all the time because it's almost like a challenge. Maybe he's playing the long con...


I'm pretty sure he dated little Esther Povitsky

good analogy grampa

Rogan had a joke about him, something along the lines of "I told him it's a shame he's not gay, he's built for it. It's like being 8 ft. tall and refusing to pick up a basketball."