Self-Confessed Ivory Theif Joe Cumia claims Trump "DOES NOT LOSE", "DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO LOSE" and has "NEVER LOST AT ALL" in consecutive sentences.

1  2016-11-01 by golightlys_iphone


"Champion of the People" he's a rich opportunist asshole from Queens, he isnt some amazing patriot

and the Cumias aren't "people".

They are those people.

Joe reminds me of all those people who don't watch football, but become football experts when the World Cup comes round every 4 years

Football is played by real men trying to kill eachother. I think you meant to say SOCCER. Merica


Yeah sorry.. football is a bunch of dumb niggas being violent.. soccer is a game of skill and elegance played by gentlemen

Here is a quick way to determine which sport is superior. I could take any wide receiver or running back from the NFL, and that athlete could survive for a single soccer match. There are zero soccer players that could make it through the first quarter of an NFL game. The athletes are just head and shoulders above soccer players. As far as elegance goes, go watch some highlights of Barry Sanders or Walter Payton and tell me football isn't a game of skill & elegance.

I generally agree but a linesman could not play soccer because they cannot run fast for 90 minutes straight


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I, like the rest of the world, have no idea who Barry sanders or Walter Payton are and we don't care.. enjoy your games that you made up and play amongst yourselves.. we will still be waitin for you when your ready to play real sports

"Real sports" lol. Just because the rest of the planet can't afford to play anything other than soccer doesn't make it a "real sport". BTW, how funny is it that our National Soccer team is already starting to compete with the rest of the world. Lol, nobody here gives a flying fu j about soccer and yet we aren't that far from competing with the best. How embarrassing.

It's amazing how well your national team does in tournaments.. the whole world notices.. it's a shame you can't support them more..

Thanks for further proving my point. The game you consider a "real sport" is something nobody here gives a fuck about, and we are already competing with the rest of the world. Your game of "skill and elegance" is slowly being taken over by a country that doesn't even care about it.

You seem angry.. let's be friends

Don't fucking do that. Your argument was absolutely trounced, and this is a plain cop out.

It wasn't trounced dude.. im never gonna win an argument on this subject here as I'm in the heavy minority.. I shouldn't have even argued back so.. let's be friends 😀

Nobody else is arguing with you, how is it relevant that your the minority here? It's my argument against yours, and you simply folded the moment my logic became overwhelming.

Buddy, you didn't trounce shit. The ONLY reason the NFL is as popular as it is, is because it's run by the CIA behind the scenes and has been since the late sixties at the latest. If you're gonna try and act like you just presented an undebatable argument you might wanna have the groundwork laid first. Typical Americans; living in the dark but pretending the sun is on their backs.

Lol what? Listen, Mr. Ventura. You have yet to address my last point, because you know my logic is sound. Now either present a reasonable argument, or queer off. Fucking CIA involved in the NFL, get a fucking clue you nutcase.

Do some fucking research before you start blowing that cake horn moon cricket. Your logic is sound in the echo chamber you reside in but to the outside world it sounds like big lipped jibber jabber. Since you seem incapable of doing any fucking research on your own allow me to do it for you.

Why do you think the NFL hires so many ex CIA & FBI agents which they use to run the units they "set up just like the FBI" with "field offices" in all NFL cities. Their job is summed up nicely by Larry Wansley, the director of security for the Dallas Cowboys: "If you can be proactive and prevent a guy from screwing his life up or screwing up the brand, whether it be the [team] or the league, that's the purpose."

Sound an awful lot like a letter agency to me. Fucking dipshit.

Oh boy, you're clearly a god damn lunatic. Still not bothering to address my last argument? Not surprising. You stink at this. Nothing you just wrote or linked supports your claim that th fucking CIA is running the NFL. Get back on your medication, sir.

What was your last argument exactly? Because all I heard was cum gargling and monkey noises... if you'd like to present it again without the self grandeur I'd gladly show you the gaping holes in your logic. Until then you can busy yourself with fellating my yam bag.

Keep going, dummy. Maybe tell me how the FBI has been running American tennis for the last 40 years. Fucking dunce

To be fair, I have no idea what 'your last argument' was either.. but don't you think all the pads and helmets look a little silly.. have you watched any rugby.. it's a sport played by men.. 😀

Lol the dumb fucking rugby argument.

Rugby is a fucking joke

Steroids make you big, not strong or tough.. Your a bit obsessed with 'who's the toughest'.. would you like to talk about anything? What kind of relationship did you have with your farther?

"Steroids make you big, not strong or tough." Are you mentally disabled? That's fucking exactly what anabolic steroids do. Every time I trounce your argument, you try and change the subject to something else nonsensical. You are terrible at this, sir.

Do I need to start linkin articles on how steroids work? I can't be bothered and I'm starting to think you are not too bright.. So let's agree that you a 100% correct in your arguement and I'm wrong.. 👍

Oh boy. Anabolic literally means "growth of muscles". Please please please try and link an article that says the opposite. How humiliating, you seriously couldn't accidentally be right about something.


Exactly, dummy. Now either try to form a a decent argument, or get fucked.

Oh come on... turn that frown upside down 😀

I'll assume you're just giving up. Sweet

You win friend 😀

Taking pride in being an ignorant boob. Educate yourself, numbskull.

By the way, football isn't filled with flopping and players generally acting like titanic faggots like in soccer.

Being called ignorant by an American.. 😂

You're proudly displaying your lack of knowledge about a subject. If not ignorant, what should I call you? A Cumia?

Enjoy your shitty sport with inferior and pussified athletes, though.

Can we still be friends?

Elegance? Soccer fucking sucks and the players flop every 2 minutes. Oh yeah that 0-0 tie was so interesting.

Soccer is a game where people get hurt when nobody touches their shin. Fuck you and your shitty game.

Takes alot of skill and grace by gentleman to throw themselves on the floor and act like they have shattered bones after being lightly shoved.

Can't defend that.. sadly it's the way the game is taught at a young age.. if you get touched, you go down... it's not so bad in English football but Spain and Italy is really bad for it


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I'm so torn with this election. Do I want Trump to win, so all of the smarmy asshole Hillary supporters whine and bitch? Or do I want Hillary to win, so brain-dead silverback idiots like Joe Cumia impotently beat their chests as they rage? Decision 2016.

Because you can't spell cocksucker loser without some of the letters in Joe Cumia.TM

Christ, Joe, go play Where the Streets Have No Name in the center of a street by the very well known name of the Long Island Expressway.

Whoa. This isn't the sub for that kind of vitriol.

Heavens, my tongue. I will paypal my apologies to this gentlefolk.

Am I reading this correctly? Is he saying "the MSM" about an article on

Mainstream media, shitdick.

Lol the dumb fucking rugby argument.

Rugby is a fucking joke