Oh the travesty!

7  2016-11-01 by ScorzeMan


Amy's new home features spacious living and dining areas

Well it would have to.

She's not doing 12 million dollars well. She can't be. Some of it has to come from some kind of trust. She apparently has a worth of 16 million, which means she probably earns a quarter of that, or has a 25% of that in cash. Her book shit the bed, so she's not getting another deal again (or at least not at the amount she secured the first time), her standup has a waining attendance, and after the SJW's are done with her; the show won't be able to hold up on Comedy Central (which is turning into an SJW hub like everything else under Viacom). In the next couple of years, she's basically going to drown in her own mediocrity. But she feels that she's doing so well that she's going to pull an Opie and buy a place out of her price range, because she thinks she'll be able to pay off the mortgage long-term. Her upcoming eventual downfall is going to hurt.

This is a pretty good assessment. I thought she bought the place cash, though. I don't necessarily trust those celebrity net worth sites. She has been in a few movies already where she has probably made close to $12mil. Being a shill for various things, appearances...it probably has added up. Oh yeah: She's a Ram Man looking cunt, too.

You think she might have paid with a big sack with a dollar sign on it?

She could easily do a loft/condo for 5 million RIGHT NOW in her career. You can get a very spacious spot in NYC for that much. When the inevitable downfall comes, she can at least hold onto a 5 mil place, while the money drys up. Mortgages are cheap now. You can pay a monthly/yearly mortgage on a 5 mil condo (1 point whatever mil a year or 50,000/80,000 a month where you'd pay less and longer); so if you needed to move out you wouldn't be out a couple mil a year or 5 mil at the time of purchase, and still yield a higher ROI in the coming years when you're forced to do supporting roles and benign tours.

At this point, the media is conspiring to sacrifice her at the alter of social justice; so unless she goes back to being offensive and somewhat interesting, she's finished. Her bashing Trump supporters in FL and hiring audience members to "kick out" at her arena shows didn't do her any favors with the Middle American audiences that are going to have to foot the bill on her Gregg Opie Hughes condo, when the Important fan base is finished with her.

In comedy; you have the "Important Fanbase" (young professional costal fans, stuffy cunts and critics) and the "Money Fanbase" (the rest of the country). To be truly successful, you have to be in with BOTH of them. Larry the Cable guy was still able to work because he owned the "Money Fanbase" with the rest of the Blue Collar dopes. Kevin Hart now does, and even though his material can be perceived as "misogynist"; he gets a pass from the "Important Fanbase" because he's black, and SJW's haven't figured out how to attack black alpha male comedians yet (they will though). Louie is TRULY successful because he was able to get in with BOTH, as was Chris Rock, Wanda Sykes (to a degree), etc. But with the internet; the lines between the Money/Important crowds are moving closer together and blurring. So it doesn't do you good to double down on one and say "fuck off" to the other. Amy is trying with the Important crowd but they're turning up their noses now, and she's already said "fuck you" to the Money crowd recently, who are just going to say "fuck you too" right back, and not show up to the gigs/movies that would need to pay for her condo. Her idiocy and insecurity will fuck her on a major scale in the coming years, and she's going to burn out in an almost similar Carlos Mencia way.

It'll be the first time in a long time that someone has jerked off to something related to her.

Bud Light must of paid her a fuck ton of money and those celebrity networth sites are always off.

which is turning into an SJW hub like everything else under Viacom

You mean like the new MTV show where rape victims become ninjas and fight college rapists?


I feel sorry for the rebar.



Death to America. Allah Ackbar!!

Hopefully her enormous weight so high up in a building causes foundation problems and stability issues and the building owners either evict her or she causes the building to collapse.

You can't buy class. It will always be a 'pigpen'

Homerun cawksuckas

Ew $12 million for a view of Jersey?

President Trump will liquidate all the assets of celebs like Schumer who flee the country and use the proceeds to help build the wall.

Amy Schumer will make more money than all of your favorite comedians combined in her lifetime. Let that sink in.

Not more than Kevin Hart though. Louie probably pulls in more now because of his development deals, and standup. Louie probably has 20 million in cash, maybe a little less. He's apparently worth 25 mil.

I wouldn't consider Kevin Hart to be a favorite among the people in this sub. I guess my point is that people like CQ & Norm Macdonald will never make the money she makes, and I find that disturbing.

Just because he's an n-person doesn't mean we can't appreciate his jokes about how short he is.