Vic Henley doesn't make the Opie Show 1 month highlights.

27  2016-11-01 by Dennyislife



Vic is the radio equivalent of a bullpen catcher.

Vic is the radio equivalent of gay porn

Opies taken it down....

Who makes highlights 1 month into a show?

Somebody desperately trying to prove the haters wrong and justify their own existence to management.

Someone who knows that throwing poker chips at a good hearted woman is the only slightly amusing thing he's ever personally done on the radio.

Vic Henley doesn't make the Vic Henley highlights

You know who wears kangols? Da brothas.

Kangol Kid Jim Norton in 1986 during his brief Eric B. and Rakim phase.

Wow what great highlights, not cringy at all

poor Op didn't feel too confident about this one it seems

Serious question: did Opie make the highlight show?

Love the comedic record scratch and 90s comedy bgm


Lollollol classic Opster right there gents. @OpieQuotes will be busy the next few days!

A KFC commercial with that shitdick Rob Wriggle instead of Norm.

A steaming piece of shit.

Annnnnd it's gone...

Dude you're fucking obsessed with Opie. You listen to and watch everything he does and make these posts inductive if someone desperate to be a hero of this sub. Seriously dude, and I don't say this lightly, get help or get a life. I feel concerned and sorry for you.

Actually its vic i'm obsessed with. Opie hardly features in this best of...

Whatever dude. I didn't make that comment to be a dick; you seem like a ok person but your obsession is quite unhealthy


That's the confidence booster i needed to free myself from this place.

did you read the fucking name of this subreddit.

Someone has to keep tabs on opie's blunders. I appreciate him taking the bullet for us.

A steaming piece of shit.

A KFC commercial with that shitdick Rob Wriggle instead of Norm.