Comfort Girls

0  2016-11-01 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD


Holy shit you're embarrassing.

I bet the broads over there all have the best sense on humor.

Oh, no, I don't think they would care for that type of joke at all.

Tsss Suzie Sock CUCKA ya piece o' garbahhhhhhhge

I'm a robot I do wordplay yyyyyyyyuma

This nigga /u/F_H_Rileys_MaitreD ain't workin' with a full deck.

this nigga chip retarded.

What about Polly the Peckah Polisher or sumtin?

Username checks out, stick to your day job.

This is bad. Even for us.

This is not clever.

If that what they are calling the rape victims of refugees in Europe now?

LOL. Those dimwitted cunts over at R/Feminism are probably scratching their heads and googling "Suzie the Cocksucker"; trying to see if she was a real historical figure or government-sponsored composite like Rosie. Fucking dolts. For every Camille Paglia, there are 13,000 retard twats reaping ideology from Facebook posts.

Yeah probably. Or they just chose to ignore your gay joke which is why it didn't have a single reply. You sure showed them.

This is a joke on Opie's level. That's how bad it was.

Ur fawkin levellin dis muddafawka.

You're probably an undersized, pussywhipped cuck whose girlfriend is the man of the house. Most common phrase uttered by you in the household is "Yes, dear."

You sound like a real man's man.

Seriously though, I cant stand when retarded dullards congratulate themselves for their wit.

This hasn't gone well for you.

You sound like brother joe