ME: To be completely honest we couldn't gotten Ken Bone on the show anytime we wanted. But it's gotten old and we're moving on to new tings to be completely honest.

50  2016-11-01 by BeMineYouGoose



I always enjoy a botched title

It does read like something Opie would have written though.

There are far too few sniffs, gulps, and non-rythmic console drumming in that title


"...we're moving onto new things. Sherrod Small! What's up my brotha!"

Maaah Diyuuck, munny.

How gay are you

mad gay

You fucked it up bad man



I'm DONE with shitty guests. Fohhckin DONE with them. sniff burp

And that's the reason Jim gave when he was white knighting those porn stars

Lets not act like getting Ken Bone was a get. FFS.

and another bumbled 'get'. Its like they don't put any thought into shit.

You wanna use the word "bungled" there... not bumbled, friend.

if I wanted to used bumbled I would have. Bumbled is elementary, bungled adds a little butt fuck to it.

Are you drunk?

no, why? because its takes zero energy to be not clever and obnoxious to get people to walk out or hang Anybody on this sub could get the bitch to walk out or bone to hang up, whats the value?


Ooof, making the cringiest shitposts on this sub is not the sign of a winner