Just a couple murderers hanging with a Crime Wroter

0  2016-10-31 by unclepaul84


Crime wroter

It's because she used to write but doesn't now. That's all in the past, like everything else about her.

was Patton's victim pregnant at the time or is that also a common way that fat women position their arms?

Patton's still a padawan.

You can tell via his unhinged twitter rantings, his developed a taste(just a taste) for blood & is just chomping at the bit to receive his new orders & get to raping and killing.

She looks like Susan Boyle, jesus.

Good for him for doing what he had to do.

He's looking at her with such admiration, as if to say "Teach me your ways".

How short is Patton Oswalt????

6 feet under

He wishes, hes not getting off that easy



Nothing says obesity like eczema on the triceps.

Who was the sperm donner for that lesbian couple?


What a fat ugly woman

good god the future President is terrifying

Only the thought of her actually being the future President is more terrifying than her terrible crone appearance.
