Just the thought of Sam and chip on a cross country flight makes me laugh

84  2016-10-31 by Dennyislife


hey babe

This one is even better. I can't imagine having to deal with Chip in public.


He really does only eat nuggets.

Edgar constantly touching you...

thE aIre IN Thi5 PlaNe iz t0o DrYe

look at these fancy fruits flying JetBlue Mint

Dude loves his chicken tendies

Tendies, wrestling, overbearing mother... Sams a fucking NEET!


God I hope the pilot is of Malaysian and is a fan of http://youtu.be/IYYpQf2DBjM , hopefully that's the last thing they hear over the PA before plummeting to their fiery deaths.

These two seem to get on.

More like get it on. They fuck.

hey hey with the vulgarities, let's keep it fun.

What are they going to LA for?

Promotion for the new show

Promoting their show in the LA LA LA LA

Is SiriusXM also sending OpieRadio cross-country to promote his show too?

I'm sure Sherrod or Chris D would love to fly in an airplane.

Gay LA LA LA LA night life.

Imagine being stuck with Opie on a cross country fight.


what's he got his seatbelt on for, does he think he's gonna get in a car crash or sumptin?

Sam gets uglier by the day

He looks like the inspiration for that old BC comic strip https://goo.gl/images/JOeDh5



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God damn, nigga's forehead is almost as big as Chip's peckah.

Sam finally might do the mile high club, hope they are traveling in better conditions than the shitty fish section he stuffed his wife into for their honeymoon


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