Why is Opie pretending a replay is live?

14  2016-10-31 by Dennyislife


4:32 AM - 31 Oct 2016

This man doesn't work in morning radio anymore, why is he tweeting at this time?

Because people who fail enough to have kids are always up super early.

ME: leave it alone

Opie says odd shit to people

Scorch did this. This is what Scorch did. Opie made fun of Scorch for doing this.

Because he is a busty, pointless 65 year old cum-guzzler. He is very, very stupid and is being cuckolded by a grown up who skateboards.

I hope someone fucks him to death with a drilldo.

As far as Lynsi goes, at least that's better than a grownup who roller skates.

When Burr and Anthony were trashing Opie for eating Lean on Me cereal, Bill jokingly asked if the box came with coupons for Rollerblades or something to that effect. The hilarious part was that Opie was in fact a frequent rollerblader at the time.

Fuck I really hate this man. I can't even listen to old clips any more, like the time Ant and Patrice are 15 minutes into slamming country music songs and Opie goes "HOLD ON HOLD ON I think we're in the middle of bit here, theres a bit somewhere here".

Just scrolling through his tweets made me want to dive into Mauna Loa

And he has to reassure the listeners that they're not "bashing the country" -- god forbid you offend that demo by making fun of their music, right Opester?

Or the time when Patrice was bashing sports and brings up NASCAR and you hear Opie get legitimately worried that people are going to be angry.


A little bit of that radio magic

Shit so good, gotta live twice

One retweet.





Because he stinks.


Please start taking your meds again; your manic, obsessive-compulsive behavior is getting really, really creepy...

Because people who fail enough to have kids are always up super early.