Staten Island legend Dean Balsamini tells Pete Davison to "drop the act"

24  2016-10-30 by TotallyNotObsi


To be fair, Staten Island is absolute shit.

The people who live there are proud of being pushy and stupid. When you meet one, they can't wait to tell you where they're from, so you'll understand as soon as possible why they've been pushy and stupid since they started talking to you. They seem to love that "oh, figures" dimness of irritated acknowledgement that dawns in your eyes.

You watch your mouth about the Wu Tang Clan.

Nothing to fuck with.

They cause more family feuds than Richard Dawson.

Because they rip it hardcore like porno flick bitches and roll with groups of ghetto bastards with bisquits.

Yeah, but you're not supposed to admit that in public

You say if a tidal wave hit the ­Island you’d sleep better?

Keep talking like that and you may end up sleeping with the fishes.

He fucking buried this cock sucker with that line.

What a wannabe. Fucking faggot would be shining shoes

What a weird article. I love how he throws in "I live in Montclair, NJ, now, but I never forget my roots. Don’t forget yours." at the very end. Its so weird to get that angry when you don't even live there any more. That and his weird gay detour into worshiping Colin Jost.

Lmao, triggered

Sometimes Pete sounds like a try hard, but I love him for shit like this. He has a lot to lose, but he doesn't give a hoot. God bless him

I agree. He is quite the edgy tween.

That guy is so upset.

I have a feeling Pete gets away with a lot because people don't realize he's white.

His mom must have some Moor because the pictures I've seen of his dad he is very white

His mother looks like she's hiding a recessive black gene though.


As a fan of The Wu-Tang Clan, I must say: That list of "famous" people from S.I. Is the most embarrassing thing I have ever seen.

Aguilera claims suburban Pittsburgh as home, that's how little she gives a shit.

"of prosecutor Marcia clark" lmao


Lol at the butthurt reporter from the NY Post

Pete always looks like hes a vampire. I forget that's his own skin with probably a good amount of make up

He's dying from Crohn's disease

why does he want to fuck Colin Jost so much?

We all know your dad is really alive, dude.

Did you know 300 Jews didn't show up to work at the Trade Centre on 9/11? Also 500 blacks but that's unrelated


I live in Montclair, NJ, now, but I never forget my roots. Don’t forget yours.

The face of a man who moved away from the bastion of civilization that Staten Island is.


I don't give a fuck about Pete really, but that faggy article stinks of butt hurt.

Pete has a special skill of winding up butthurt men much older than he is

His name is Balsamini because he doesn't need to use much hair product on that dead rodent he wears as a hat.

Or sumthin.

So, my takeaway from this is Pete will be voting for Hilary this election.

This guy actually lectured him about people dying on 9/11?

Regular Joe?

He could star in Mr. Robot

All I know about Staten Island comes from Ghostface and Raekwon crime story raps and the Cropsey documentary. Baseheads getting thrown out of windows and child murderers living in tunnels under an insane asylum. What's not to like?

Who dis dassabesso salami?