How can people enjoy living their lives if they're "offended" by this? What miserable cunts.

25  2016-10-30 by Lil_Teddy_Sheckler


Holy Christ I just noticed that the author of the article wrote "Do better" at the end of the story. Fucking yuck

Because everyone is looking for something to give their empty souless life meaning. So people get outraged at nothing and others get outraged at others getting outraged at nothing. I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and give my mother gift certificates to planned parenthood.

Like the guy who took a notepad into a showing of Sausage Party, to check off every time something offended him.

Ha that's how their minds work, it's not being offended, it's being smart enough to realize what something is and being retarded enough to call it all offensive.

This is their brains at work except there's no tally count because unlike a movie, it never ends.

Please don't use the r word.

My brother's girlfriend told me to call them 'intelectually disabled' instead.

Thats too many syllables to use in a funny manner

Hence the enduring appeal of "fag."

Is this Mitch Vos?

I'm offended by that fucking penmanship.

Yuck, what a worm.


I'd like to hatecrime that pussy faggot and hurl a few racial epithets at his lifestyle domme girlfriend for good measure.

puns are offensive!?

It's just exhausting

These are the people who were "offended":

Why is the world pandering to these fags again?

The top one has the characteristic pedosmile, and the bottom one is involved in "mental health counseling"

literal rapists worrying about hypothetical rapists

Imagine the stink in the room when these two pudgy bears are butt-fucking each other and smacking their tits around.

Because these fags are some of the biggest bullies on the planet who won't rest until the people who have "slighted" them in any way are fired and osracized.

Bigots can't get it in to their thick skulls that if ethnic Halloween costumes are eliminated paradise is at most 3 years away.

Fucking bigots.

Eh, just don't even pay attention to this shit. Publications like HuffPo are absolute jokes you shouldn't take any more seriously than rags like jezebel.

Its funny though

"Look how much work this dude put into being racist."

The worst was that grovelling Hemsworth apology. What a fucking faget. "First Nations people." Agenda, agenda, agenda. 2016.

i mean, Huffington Post thinks Muhammad was the first feminist, so...

they're pretty much worthless attention grabbers.

But the costume is particularly tone deaf given the current situation in North Dakota, where thousands of Native Americans and their supporters have been protesting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

I refuse to believe this is for real. It has to be that a troll infiltrated a big news website so he could spout nonsense to make them look like raving ninnies.

Fuck these SJW pussies. I can't wait till the tipping point is reached and these crybabies -- who have no barometer for real problems -- start getting widely hammered for their horseshit.

As a pilgrim I'm very hurt

we are not a costume

These are the people that say "I don't give a damn about those e-mails! Trump is a RACIST!"

But if I don't scold others how will I reconcile the fact that I'm aware blacks are more violent and Muslims cause terrorism? What will I tell my well off white friends????

Its gay to get offended but you have to be retarded to dress as an injun if you're a public figure.

Life is SO good right now that north american and euro groups just have to fuck it up by going after everything and anything. We've hit a plateau of outrage and they grasp at anything that isn't anti white. Also Huff post is just a troll rag, avoid it all costs.

This is why Amy and the rest of the SJW's need to be brought down. Then it's back to Opie.

There were white people who were part of native american tribes. Hunters and trappers adopted native clothing due to its durability. Fuck Huffington post

huffington post needs to learn to be more tolerant of american culture and tradition.

I hope no one takes offense to my lil black Sambo costume I have planned for this year...I'm picking up the watermelon tomorrow

Hillary Duff is an adorable sweetie pie

She was hotter when she had her baby fat. Shuuuure.

They don't.

Anyone else remember being a little kid and dressing up as an Indian or a Pilgrim for Thanksgiving. What changed exactly?

For some reason we started to value injun opinions.

They got Internet in the rez

Since when did Hilary Duff have any influence?

Ronnie has mentioned he finds it offensive, think he hates his life?

The more I see people take offense (it's not get offended, I cannot give you offense, you can only take it at whatever you want), the more I want to see a high body count war occur. I'm willing to live Fallout in real life.

I don't believe most the express towards this are even offended. But they do so because enjoy the feeling of being on supposed moral high ground.

Shut up you muppet. You're the miserable cunt who thought this Huffpost article was relevant.

Fuck off back to your parents basement and write a blog about how much you hate the new Ghostbusters.

sir, you'll never be as strong and genius as joe rogan, get over it